Trade Deadline - Avon Gale Page 0,58

on the ice, which is how you end up taking a too many men penalty.”

“Wow, did I want that one to be more fun,” Micah muttered, and Tabby snorted and patted him on the shoulder.

“Suffering for our team is part of every hockey fan’s duty,” she said. “And double so when you’re a WAG. Or, um.” She thought for a minute. “BWAG? They should really make that more inclusive.”

Before Micah could ask what the hell that even meant, the period thankfully came to an end with the score still at 3–0. But the Venom would resume their power play after the intermission, and there were still two periods to go. Micah wasn’t all that optimistic about their chances for a comeback, mainly because they’d yet to manage one all season.

“Ugh.” Tabby was scrolling through her phone and she frowned, shoving it back in her pocket. “I don’t know why I bother to read the Twitter account anymore, it just makes me mad.”

Micah blinked. “I didn’t even realize the team had a Twitter. I mean, obviously they would, but I just never thought to look at it.”

“Definitely for the best. The fans aren’t happy, but I can’t really blame them. Except they all sound like assholes. I live in fear of the day the kids are old enough to discover social media and that people talk about their dad on there.”

Micah was torn between wanting to get his phone out and check, and the smarter, self-preservation instinct that said he definitely shouldn’t do that.

“So,” Tabby said, turning to him. She smiled. “Daniel said you guys were meeting up with some friends after the game?”

Micah was indeed planning on taking Daniel to his favorite bar to meet up with Quinton, Justice, Ash, and Bethany after the game, and he’d been both looking forward to it and also nervous about it for most of the day. His friends were great, Daniel was great, and there was no reason they wouldn’t get along...but it was still the first time he’d ever done this. “You’re welcome to stop by, too, if you like.” He could imagine Tabby would immediately hit it off with Ash, and he did like to think that he and Tabby were becoming friends, too.

“No, not this time. I’ve got an early morning conference call and besides.” She gave him a beatific smile. “Daniel should be a little nervous meeting his boyfriend’s friends. It’s good for him.”

“Probably,” Micah laughed, and then the team filed back on the ice to start the next period. In another small humiliation that Micah dearly hoped Daniel missed, the cheers for the Venom were louder than the home team.

The Venom scored on their power play, sending the game to 4–0 in the first thirty-three seconds. Groaning, Micah watched as several fans got up and headed for the exit. Micah didn’t think they were going for snacks, either.

“Daniel’s lost games before, though, right?” Micah asked.

“Oh, sure. And he’s usually pretty chill about it, but this is a whole new sort of losing.” She glanced around the arena. “He was so excited to come play here, but I’m wondering if he should have stayed on the Venom another year.” She seemed to realize what she was saying and winced. “Sorry. Now I sound like a hockey analyst, but I just feel bad since I know this isn’t the season he wanted after the Cup win.”

Micah made a noncommittal noise and turned back to the game, because as awful as it was to watch, it was less unsettling than his sudden nerves. Because while Micah really wanted to believe this was all going to end up great, this thing with him and Daniel, he couldn’t help the anxiety or the doubts that occasionally crept in.

I think I’m falling in love with you, too.

That moment from Christmas played itself over and over in Micah’s head like a movie. He thought about it every time he saw the walkie-talkie on his bedside table. He thought about it at work, and even when he was watching hockey at home with his brand-new Bellamy jersey, though he was sort of convinced it was bad luck since they lost every time he wore it.

It wasn’t that Micah didn’t believe Daniel; he did. He just wasn’t sure that love was enough, because it never really was, was it? Daniel might love him, but he also loved hockey, and it had taken Daniel away once—and Micah couldn’t help but think if the Thunder kept losing, it was Copyright 2016 - 2024