Trade Deadline - Avon Gale Page 0,50

kinda funny if they got eaten by a different shark,” Daniel said.

“Stung by a jellyfish,” Micah agreed.

“Yeah, I remember you had that thing about jellyfish,” Daniel teased. “How about...eaten by a giant squid. Are those real?” Daniel asked, as they reluctantly moved apart.

“You can only find them via submarine,” Micah answered, grabbing his hoodie and shrugging into it. “Or, like, the SyFy Channel.” Luckily, the familiar banter and the cool breeze helped him calm down enough so that he wasn’t blushing wildly as they packed up the cooler and the detritus of their picnic, shook out the blanket and closed up their unused chairs.

“So, about part two,” Daniel asked, once they’d returned to the SUV and stored everything. He took the keys when Micah handed them over, and they both climbed in and buckled up for the drive.

“Just when you thought it was safe to go in the water?” Micah quipped, and laughed outright when Daniel reached out and smacked him lightly on the back of the head.


“My ass is smart and beautiful, that’s true. Don’t hate.” Micah studied Daniel’s handsome profile. “You asking me to sleep over?”

“Maybe. I mean, yeah, if you want. I have practice in the morning but should be done by lunch.”

“I’m supposed to go head in for an educational program anyway,” Micah said. His heart started pounding at the thought of what sleeping over would entail. “So, yeah. That works. If you want me to.”

“Yeah,” Daniel said, placing a hand on Micah’s knee and squeezing. “I want you to.”

* * *

Daniel’s house was insanely nice, huge and spacious, and as much as Micah wanted to get right to the good stuff...there was a plethora of puppies to deal with.

Five dogs were a lot, and it took Daniel some time to round them all up and let them outside. Then, because how could you go outside and see five adorable dogs running around and not play tug-o-war with the pit bull and a game of toss and catch with the Lab and border collie? You couldn’t, and you also had to give equal pets to each dog before they went back inside to lap thirstily from their individual water bowls.

After the dogs were watered and tired out, Micah left his shoes by the back door along with Daniel’s, and then he stopped by the sink and gave his hands a good scrub and followed Daniel to his bedroom. His heart was beating fast and he was nervous, even though he was trying not to act like it.

“Uh, we should close the door—the dogs will come up and investigate if we don’t.” Daniel, Mr. Pro Hockey Guy, also looked a little nervous and that helped.

Micah pulled the door closed, then leaned against it. “We can just make out again, if you want?”

“I mean, if that’s what you want, sure. That’s good.” Daniel moved closer, and suddenly he looked cool and confident, just like he did on the games Micah watched. “Everything with you has been good so far.” He reached out a hand. “But we could lay down on something not sandy and without the giant shark. I mean. Unless you’re into that. I’ve got a TV in the bedroom and Netflix.”

“Maybe. What if I am into giant sharks? Don’t kink shame,” Micah chided, and as eager as he was to get Daniel out of his clothes, it made him so absurdly happy to hear Daniel laughing at his jokes. Daniel took his hand and drew him in close.

Daniel kissed him, but then reached out and unzipped Micah’s hoodie. He also reached down and took the hem of Micah’s shirt, kissing him with a little more heat as he started drawing it up. “Is this okay?”

“Yeah,” Micah managed, helping Daniel take his shirt off. “God, you have great hands,” he moaned, when Daniel started rubbing them over Micah’s back and chest. It lit him up like a firework, sparks and heat trailing in his wake.

“You learned that from the NHL commentators, huh.”

“Oh my God, you’re making hockey jokes.” Micah pressed his face against Daniel’s chest, then got distracted by—well, Daniel’s chest. “I’ll start talking about sharks. Dolphins. Puns about the sea. Watch out.” He pulled back and tugged his shirt. “Your turn.”

Daniel pulled off his shirt, and then they kissed again. Micah’s cock was getting hard and he wondered if Daniel’s was, too—he gave a tentative push of his hips to see, and yeah, that was definitely an erection he felt.

“Bed?” Daniel asked, and Micah was too Copyright 2016 - 2024