Trade Deadline - Avon Gale Page 0,45

Sebastian’s voice said dryly. He appeared next to Morley and offered Daniel a cold bottle of light beer. Luna hopped off the sofa to wind around his ankles, butting her head against his shin and purring audibly. “Trust me on this.”

“Aww, Seb,” Morley said, releasing Emmitt to turn his attention to Tristan’s professor boyfriend. “I’d think you’d want to teach a class about fanfic. Entire communities rise up around fandoms. It’s how a lot of queer people have found each other over the years. I mean, just imagine the reading assignments you could give out, bro.”

Sebastian frowned severely. “Trevor, what have we discussed about you calling me ‘bro’ or any other childish nickname?”

As Morley started once again arguing how Sebastian was now part of the team and had to accept nicknames like everyone else, Tristan grabbed Daniel’s arm and steered him toward the couch.

“Seb just called in the order. A few pizzas with a variety of toppings. I had him ask for some of those garlic parmesan wings for you, too.”

Daniel reached up to fondly ruffle his fair hair, unsurprised that Tristan had remembered his favorite. “So what’re we celebrating?”

Tristan’s face lit up. “ hasn’t officially been announced yet, but the team voted before the game tonight, and guess who’s getting a C on his sweater?”

“Oh, man, that’s awesome!” Daniel yanked Tristan into another hug. “Congratulations! You’re going to be great!”

“Yes, he is.” Sebastian came over, apparently done arguing with Morley for the time being. He gave Tristan such a proud, hot look, Daniel knew they’d be having an entirely different kind of celebration later tonight.

Tristan ducked his head, his cheeks flushing. “Thanks, both of you. I’m a little nervous, but I’m going to try my best not to let the team down.”

“As if you could.” Ryu joined them with a beer bottle in hand. His dark hair was artfully arranged, his clothes were trendy and no doubt expensive, and his expression could only be described as content. Being a Stanley Cup champ, or being in love—or maybe both—had seriously mellowed him out since this time last year.

“I agree,” Daniel said. “If I could’ve chosen someone to replace me as captain, it would’ve been you, Holtzy. You were pretty much born for this.” He’d thought so for the last couple of seasons at least. It always seemed like just a matter of time before Tristan made captain, and Daniel was thrilled for his friend. The little flicker of sadness wasn’t completely unexpected, though. With the captaincy filled, Daniel didn’t quite have a place on the Venom anymore. Things could never go back to the way they’d been before he signed that contract with the Thunder, even if he wanted them to.

Tristan chuckled, red faced and lovely, and Daniel pushed aside his moment of gloominess to focus on his friend. The blush also reminded him of another man who looked the same way when he got flustered. Daniel wished Micah could be there to meet his friends and celebrate with them. He had a feeling he’d fit in perfectly.

“Now you share,” Tristan said, deflecting attention from himself as he always did. “Fill us in while we wait for the food.”

Four of them settled on the couch, Daniel perched on the ottoman, and Morley went to grab another beer then dragged over one of the stools from the breakfast bar.

Tristan sat tucked against Sebastian’s side. Army and Ryu close but not touching. Yet despite their differences, the chemistry and affection between both couples was clear. Would he and Micah have that ease with each other in time? Daniel thought they would. They seemed to be headed in that direction at least. Being around Micah was so effortless and comfortable.

Daniel remembered their kisses.

Well, not too comfortable. Damn...those kisses. He hadn’t been so turned on in years. Their sexual tension only intensified whenever they spent time together. Things had often been that way for Daniel. The more he got to know a partner, the more his attraction grew. Even though he’d never really dated a guy before, he’d lusted after quite a few in both high school and college, and he’d found that familiarity always made him want the other person more. He’d had so many crushes on his friends, which resulted in a few awkward situations, but that just seemed to be the way his brain worked. That was the reason he didn’t have a problem with Micah’s stipulation about not being able to do casual. Daniel didn’t do casual either. He’d Copyright 2016 - 2024