Trade Deadline - Avon Gale Page 0,34

me wrong, but it’s about having fun, too. I’ve been missing that.”

Daniel paused in the middle of shimmying out of his hockey pants. “Yeah,” he said after a few seconds. “Me, too.”

Demetrius nudged Daniel’s skate with his socked foot. “I know, man. Hence, my invitation. Come with me next time we have a free Monday night. That’s when the mini-mites practice. The Rumbles. They’re fucking adorable.”

“Rumbles?” Daniel repeated, smiling. “That is cute.” He shoved the pants the rest of the way down. “Yeah, okay. Just let me know. I’ll bring the kids along.”

“My man.” Demetrius grinned at him. “Now, go take a shower. You stink.”

* * *

A pub seemed like a safe option for lunch the next day, and luckily there was one within walking distance of the hotel the team was staying at in Ottawa. Cedric didn’t exactly appear enthusiastic when Daniel showed up at his door after practice, but he came along willingly enough.

Their walk to the pub was totally silent, aside from the bustling city sounds. Daniel wasn’t overly concerned. He wasn’t expecting small talk from Cedric Texier, not after two months of hostility. All he wanted was for Cedric to hear him out. Hopefully they could declare a truce and if not become friends, at least be civil to each other for the rest of the season—not that there had been any animosity on Daniel’s side until recently. He tried to get along with his teammates, if for no other reason than to build camaraderie. Teams worked better that way.

Once they were settled at a table, Daniel took the opportunity to inspect Cedric over the top of his menu. Cedric had dark eyes, darker hair, creamy fair skin, and a square jaw that wouldn’t have been out of place on an actor playing Superman. He was handsome, and if he didn’t walk around like Captain Furious all the time, he’d probably cross right into gorgeous territory, but the pissy attitude seriously detracted from his looks. Not just his looks but his ability to lead his team. And it had to stop.

The server showed up and took their orders—a chicken club for Daniel and fish and chips for Cedric—and then it was time for Daniel to get this little show on the road.

“So,” he said, “I know you don’t like me being here, and, you know what, Tex, I get it. I really do.” Daniel sighed and ripped the wrapper off his straw to stick it in his tea. “I was the captain of the Venom, the Thunder recruited me for my experience, maybe you’re worried they brought me here to replace you. But, look, that was never part of the conversation, okay? I came to the Thunder to play hockey. That’s all I care about, playing the game and supporting my team, maybe offering some advice because I’ve been playing this game for fourteen years, and I’ve been through everything. But I’m not here to try to take over. Let’s clear the air about that right now.”

Cedric tipped up his chin. “Don’t lie to me. Coach Davis is dying to be rid of me. Clearly he and the others traded for you intending to replace me.”

Daniel leaned back against his chair. “Well, if that’s the case, they didn’t tell me about it. But if you want me to be honest about your captain skills, I’ll lay it all bare right now.”

“Say whatever you like. Is that not why we are here?”

“Okay.” Daniel spread his hands on the tabletop. “In the locker room you act like a high school bully. You’re always yelling. You never attempt to lead, only to criticize. To be honest, I’m not even sure why you were made captain with this attitude. This is not the way an NHL captain is supposed to behave.”

“I was chosen,” Cedric said, “same as you, when you played for your last team.”

“Yes, but why?” Daniel asked, leaning forward. “Why did they pick you? What did they see in you that I’m not seeing now?”

Cedric dropped his gaze to his own glass of tea. An emotion Daniel couldn’t name flitted across his face. His mouth tightened.

“Do you love hockey?”

Cedric looked up, dark eyes flashing. “Yes. I do.”

“Do you like leading the Thunder?”

Cedric frowned and then slid his glance away, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he swallowed. “I used to. Before.”

Finally, they were getting somewhere. “Before what?”

Cedric was silent for a long time. Then he sighed. “Before I began to feel like I had failed because I couldn’t change Copyright 2016 - 2024