Trade Deadline - Avon Gale Page 0,27

feel to share a bed with Micah like they used to.

“Hmm,” Tabby said, pulling him back to the present. “I recognize that look on your face. What are you thinking about over there?” Her smile was back.

Daniel drained his wineglass before clearing his throat. “Nothing much. Friendship.”

“Uh-huh.” Tabby giggled. “Really close friendship, I bet.”

Daniel leaned down and grabbed a tennis ball from the patio. “Tallulah, wanna play fetch?”

Tabby laughed louder. “Fine, fine. Avoid the question. But if you like him, it’s okay. It won’t bother me if you talk about it.”

Daniel tossed the ball for Tallulah to give chase. Kiki lifted her head to watch, but didn’t budge from her cozy spot on Tabby’s lap.

“I think I do like him,” Daniel admitted, accepting the slobbery ball back when Tallulah barreled to a stop next to his lounger. He threw it again. “I just...don’t know if I should do anything about it. We’ve barely started hanging out again. And the kids, how would we explain if I started dating him?”

“The same way we’d explain if you started seeing another woman,” Tabby said lightly. “We’d tell them you’ve met someone you like. Children are incredibly adaptable, and we’ve taught our kids to be accepting of other people’s differences. We’ve taught them that who they love doesn’t matter. It’s about the person. Isn’t that what we taught them?”

“Of course.” Daniel’s reply was automatic. Tabby had known he was bisexual since their college days. She’d accepted it without issue, and they were raising their children to be kind, open-minded adults. He’d be nervous to tell them because he’d never openly dated a guy, and he had concerns about them feeling like he was trying to replace Tabby in their lives. But his kids? They might need an adjustment period, but he couldn’t see them being upset about who he was dating. At the end of the day, they’d probably adore Micah because he was lovable as hell.

“Don’t overthink it, Daniel,” Tabby said as he tossed the ball one more time. “In March, it’ll be two years since the divorce. You’re allowed to move on and be happy. I hope to do the same someday.”

Daniel’s heart tripped. He knew it was true. What she hoped for. This was why they’d agreed to divorce. They weren’t in love anymore. Hadn’t been for quite some time. But he still loved her very much, and he still occasionally grieved for the loss of the life they’d built together. He wasn’t sure how he’d feel to see Tabby with someone else, or how she’d feel to see him with Micah, no matter what she said now.

And if it was easy for her, would that only make him hurt more? Would it be painful to know she’d had an easier time letting go of what they’d had?

Daniel kept his gaze on Tallulah and the joyful way she chased the ball around the yard. “I’ll think about it.”

After a moment, Tabby lifted Kiki out of her lap, left her lounger, and came to sit beside him, nudging his shoulder with her own. “I’m sorry, Daniel. I didn’t mean to hurt you.” She took hold of his hand and laced their fingers together. “You’re my best friend, now and forever. I don’t want to lose that. I want us to be able to move on and still keep that relationship.”

Daniel brought their hands to his mouth and kissed the back of hers. “I want that, too. Always.”

Tallulah returned and dropped the spit-covered ball right on Tabby’s skirt, looking at them both expectantly and effectively killing their tender moment.

Tabby laughed and picked up the ball with her free hand. She threw it and leaned more of her weight into Daniel.

“I think I hear the news. Let’s go get them ready for bed. Then maybe we can watch an episode of that sci-fi show before I leave.”

Daniel turned his head to press another kiss to her hair. “Yeah. Sounds good.”

Chapter Ten

Sunday was always a busy day at the aquarium. It was a shorter schedule for the public, but a lot of the staff got there early and stayed late to see to the animals. The aquarium was a working rehab and research facility, and after the chaos of Saturdays—by far their busiest day—the animals often needed extra attention. Or, in Silver’s case, extra treats for being, as usual, the star of the show. But it was entirely possible that Micah was biased.

This Sunday, though, he was waiting in the lobby for Daniel, his Copyright 2016 - 2024