Trade Deadline - Avon Gale Page 0,24

stood and what was expected of him. And he’d never been one for hookups, happily remaining single unless he met someone who made him want to reconsider. And yes, Micah did want a happily-ever-after, to settle down with someone who would be in it for the long haul and who also wanted a family. Someone who would be there. Micah went to therapy; he knew very well that his parents choosing their “faith” over their son was a main reason why Micah valued stability in his relationships. He also knew he’d never be happy with a long-distance relationship, and that the odds of him finding another position at an aquarium were slim. Micah had his dream job, friends, and a life he’d made here—he wasn’t going to give that up.

Daniel had left once, for hockey—and might, again. Or he might get injured. But these things weren’t certain, and they also weren’t enough to keep him from reconnecting with his old best friend...even if they didn’t pursue any sort of romantic relationship. Which, he was maybe jumping the gun about, a little bit.

Better, for now, to concentrate on just getting to know Daniel and being his friend. His crush was as intense as ever, but Micah wasn’t a teenager—he was a grown man, and he didn’t want to lose Daniel after finding him. He did think there was something there between them, and he would need to be careful, but Micah wasn’t going to just ignore Daniel because he couldn’t see what the future of some kind of possible relationship between them would be. Could anyone? Justice and Quinton, Ash and Bethany? Sure, they were compatible and happy, but there was always a period of uncertainty, wasn’t there?

Just be friends with the guy and stop planning your wedding. No need to ask Ash for calligraphy lessons just yet, send a damn text message and tell Daniel good job.

Daniel would probably be too busy to respond, but that was fine.

Micah: Good job on your shootout win! (Before you ask yes I googled it LOL)

He was surprised when his phone buzzed before bed, with a reply from Daniel.

Danny: thnx wow I’m flattered you watched but glad you picked that game since we actually won :)

Micah thought about mentioning he watched them all, but decided not to.

Micah: We’ll celebrate with a beer when you’re back. Low-cal for you, sucker.

Daniel: I could use two or three after this trip but looking forward to it :)

Micah felt that old familiar fluttering in his stomach, and before bed, spent a nice long time thinking about Daniel, his abs, and that smile of his. There was no reason he couldn’t indulge in a little fantasy, right?

Chapter Nine

Whenever Tabby joined him and the kids for dinner, Daniel could almost forget about the divorce and separate houses and shared custody. It was in the way they navigated the kitchen together, like a dance they’d rehearsed a thousand times—Tabby handing him something before he asked, the nudge of a hip, a brush of fingertips, always aware of each other and touching with casual intimacy.

There was nothing sexual about it. Their familiarity had been born from years of proximity, of love and friendship. Building a life, making a home, cooking meals, raising children. Even without the romantic aspect, Daniel thought their relationship was close to perfect. But maybe that was just him missing having all of his family in one place. He didn’t do well being alone...but he also didn’t blame Tabby for not wanting to live as platonic partners forever. That was a valid choice for a lot of people, but it wasn’t what Tabby had dreamed of in her marriage, and for whatever reason, their sexual chemistry had fizzled out over the years. Daniel didn’t understand how or why, when often he looked at Tabby and found her as beautiful as the day they first met, but it was what it was. And regardless of his still mending heart, he had to accept things as they were.

“Daddy, can you pass the breadsticks?” Gretchen asked once they were seated around the table digging into their plates of shrimp scampi and angel hair pasta.

“Sure, baby.” Daniel grabbed the basket and handed it across the table.

Gretchen gave him a gap-toothed grin, garlic butter shining on her cheeks and one golden-brown pigtail askew. “Thank you.”

“How was school today?” Daniel asked. “How’s your friend? Ella, right?”

Gretchen nodded and chomped on a breadstick. “Good! We had art class. Me and Ella sat together to work Copyright 2016 - 2024