The Tracker's Rage (Mate Tracker #3) - Ingrid Seymour Page 0,74

as the magic glowed under my feet, and suddenly my wolf stirred with power, making me realize I was free to shift. I almost did, except I was holding onto the jade dagger and didn’t want to let it go.

The captive werewolves, which up to this point had been defenseless, all shifted without hesitation. The bravest of them immediately jumped to attack their captors. Two identical, black werewolves leaped in unison at one of the vampires, taking him by surprise. They ripped his head clean off. Not content with that, they proceeded to rip him up limb by limb, their jaws snapping and breaking what sounded like stone.

Another blast of magic came through the front doors and ripped one of them off its hinges. The massive door flew across the chamber, flipping and spinning, then slammed against a vampire and crushed her against the wall.

A massive werewolf rushed in through the arched entryway, taking a leap and smashing into Danika.


How had he found me?

Eric’s wolf rushed in on Jake’s heels, followed by Damien. The mage wore his top hat and cloak and marched in with confidence. His hands weaved at a prodigious speed as he shot spells right and left, hitting those vampires who weren’t fast enough to get out of the way.

My wolf was bursting to get out and join them in the fight. I peered around and spotted a basin on a pedestal, the kind that Catholic churches use for holy water. I had no idea what they could use it for in a place like this, but it would serve as a hiding place. Quickly, I searched for Stephen but couldn’t see him anywhere. I left my hiding spot, ran towards the basin, and surreptitiously dropped the jade dagger inside.

In the same motion, I shifted, reveling in the transformation of my body as my muscles grew and hardened, claws tore from my fingertips, and fangs elongated in my mouth. My clothes tore and dropped to the floor. Relishing the strength in my limbs, I leaped forward, landed on top of a vampire, and raked my claws across his back.

The creature howled in pain. I clamped my jaws around his neck and twisted my body to one side, using my momentum. There was a crack. He windmilled his arms, trying to hit me. I released him and landed a few feet away. He swayed on his feet, his head lopsided and his neck gaping. Eyes wide with panic, he righted his head, and the wound started healing right before my eyes.

Oh, no, you don’t.

I attacked again, jumping over a pew and propelling forward. My front paws collided with his chest, ripping through his shirt and digging into hard flesh. Reaching out, he held me back just in time. My jaws snapped shut an inch from his face.

Pain stabbed into my shoulders as he sank his claws in. I pushed against his stomach with my hind legs and shook myself free. My back hit the floor. Stumbling, I righted myself and was going in for a second attack when I noticed movement out of the corner of my eye.

Jake was still fighting Danika, and a second vampire was rushing him behind. I pivoted, changing directions, and, realizing that I wouldn’t get there in time, rammed my body against the corner of the nearest pew, causing it to fan out on the other end and clip the vampire at the legs. He tripped and sprawled on the floor. The crash drew Jake’s attention, letting him know of his sneaking opponent. He immediately spun, clamped his jaw around his neck, and snapped it in two.

These bastards didn’t fight fair. If they did, they wouldn’t stand a chance against us.

I returned my attention to my opponent, my rage mounting. He had picked up a jagged piece of wood and was rushing in my direction. I dodged. His stake missed me by mere inches. The vamp skidded to a stop and whirled, holding the piece of wood like a bat and swinging at me. I ducked, crouching low on all fours, then as soon as the blow whistled over my head, I jumped forward, clamped my teeth around his ankle, and severed his foot.

He lost his balance and fell, but quickly sprang to a sitting position. As I prepared to attack again, a shot hit him right in the heart, and he slumped backward, holding his chest.

I blinked and stared at his fallen body for several beats. He looked dead, but I have Copyright 2016 - 2024