Touched - By Malcolm Havard Page 0,7

they really knew. They would shit themselves.

But I would never tell them, they may never know, I will never be found out. I am too clever.

I looked around. Mr Lee was in as usual, holding court like a triad chief. The truth was not too far from that, I know that, I wonder how many others there did? That is why the greasy little Chinaman is held in such thrall. That is typical of the power around here; it is not far removed from violence and pain. Still, it did not mean that it is not worth courting; money and power always is. I caught Lee’s eye and raised a glass. Lee nodded in return. Mutual respect.

Yet in reality it came from only one side. I have no real respect for him! Why should I? He is no better than a criminal.

But the Chinese have a similar saying; “After wine blurts truthful speech". It’s a universal truth. The Babylonian Talmud contains the passage: "In came wine, out went a secret". It also says; "In three things is a man revealed: in his wine goblet, in his purse, and in his wrath."

His wrath. I like that word. I have always liked it. It is such a round, majestic, powerful word, a word of the Gods. Gods have wrath.

They have not seen my wrath, how I deal with those who make the mistake of crossing me. My wrath comes in different forms, to each their appropriate treatment.

I just listened tonight. I will speak soon enough. And they will listen.

They had better listen. Or feel my wrath.

I smiled when I thought of this.

If only they knew.

Thursday Morning

‘God you look like shit. You must have had a good night?’

‘Morning to you as well, Boris,’ Dan muttered, his head pounding again, ‘I think I need coffee.’

‘I think you need several,’ said Boris.

Boris’s real name was Steven but he was always known by his nickname due to his resemblance to the London mayor. He occupied the cluttered desk opposite Dan’s, the papers often spilling over to Dan's side. He was searching through a pile of files, running his fingers through his mop of shockingly blond hair.

‘Thanks Boris. Have you seen my mug?’

‘You don’t need a mug. Just spoon the coffee straight into your mouth.’

‘You’re so funny.’

Dan located his mug under a pile of floor plans that had swept over from Boris’s desk and made his way to the kitchen.

Not only was his head splitting but his throat was sore, raw from having to throw up in the night. This was going to have to stop. This wasn’t much of a job but he’d like to keep it. This was three – no four – times in the last week he had done that. It was becoming far too much of a habit to be comfortable.

He found Hannah in the kitchen already making a coffee.

‘Kettle’s just boiled, there should be enough water,’ she said without glancing up. Dan watched her stirring milk into her drink. The spoon seemed to rattle very loudly against the ceramic.

‘Thanks,’ he said. There was very little room in the tea making area so he hovered at the door waiting for her to finish. She was shaking out her shoulder length red hair however and Dan found himself watching as she drew it all back into a ponytail and held it in place with a scrunchy. Only then did she catch his eye.

‘God, Dan you look like shit.’

‘Thanks. That does seem to be the general opinion of everyone today.’ He decided he couldn’t wait and moved in next to her, spooning two generous measures of Nescafe into his mug.

‘Sorry. That just slipped out, didn't mean to be rude,’ said Hannah. ‘You need a woman back in your life again to sort you out.’

‘Well if you’re offering…’

‘Ah, well I think my boyfriend might have something to say about that.’

‘You reckon?’

‘Oh yes.’ Hannah said, smiling as she pushed passed him. Briefly he felt the soft, warm, firmness of her body and caught her perfume. The feelings of loss and desire mingled once again.

‘Lucky boyfriend,’ he said quietly to himself, stirring his coffee.

Then he had an awful feeling he was not alone and, knowing what he was going to see, turned to find himself looking straight into Hannah’s green eyes. She had obviously stopped in the doorway and now regarded him with eyebrows raised. Luckily she seemed more amused than annoyed.

‘Said that too loud huh?’ he said.



‘Hey I’m not complaining, Dan. If only I was free Copyright 2016 - 2024