Touch And Go - Aiden Bates Page 0,58

good to know.” His proud grin was so cute I had to kiss it.

“Arrogance looks good on you.” I let my gaze linger, and then kissed him again, greedy for whatever I could get before this all inevitably fell apart.

“Mm. I guess there’s something about you that brings it out in me.”

I kissed him, sweet and gentle, until his hands slid under the blankets and grabbed my ass. He rolled onto his back and pulled me on top of him, then slipped his tongue deep into my mouth while my cock jabbed into his hip.

“Hang on.” I accusingly jabbed his chest. “You don’t get to smooch your way out of this. What was your first time like?”

He sighed and smiled, like I’d caught him at a devilish plan. “Fine… I was a late bloomer.”

I leaned back and gasped theatrically. “It wasn’t…”

“Ha-ha.” He rolled his eyes. “No, you weren’t my first time, Seb. Obviously.”

I loved how playful he was. “Obviously.” I pressed a hand against his cheek and enjoyed the prickle of his stubble. “Those moves of yours were not porn moves either.”

“Is that a compliment?” He cocked an eyebrow suspiciously.

“Shit, yes, it is.” More than impressive, his moves hadn’t just gotten me off. They’d made me feel attractive, beautiful, treasured… If he could do that during a casual, one-time thing, I loved to think what he could do with someone he was in love with.

“Well, thanks.” He brought my hand to his lips and kissed my palm gently, looking up at me with bedroom eyes that made my heart swell.

“So how late of a bloomer were you, Derek?” I wrenched my hand free and held his jaw, squeezing his cheeks so that his lips pouted.

“Twenties.” He spoke through my grip, and I felt his muscles expand as he tried to smile.

“The 1920s?” He growled and tried to kiss me again, but I dodged him and gently slapped his cheek. “How old exactly?”

“Early twenties.” He rubbed his jaw.

“I don’t believe you.”


“Ha! That’s your mid-twenties!” I howled with laughter, and his face shot into an angry scowl which just made me laugh more.

“Are you seriously shaming me about this?” He barely kept the laughter from his voice, and I couldn't stop cackling.


“I was having sex before you were! That’s all you need to know.”

I paused to do the math in my head, and he took the opportunity to pounce. Fingers dug into my armpits and sides, and shocks of tingles pulled loud giggles out of my belly and then it was a tickle war. A war I was losing. I kicked and scrambled, but Derek had the strength to keep tugging me back under his evil wriggling fingers, and he seemed to have some kind of medical knowledge about all of my tickle spots, even the weird one between my shoulder blades. I squealed and begged for him to stop, until I collapsed in his arms…and then he started all over again, laughing at me.

Nothing stopped him. Not kicks or slaps, pathetic efforts at tickling him, not even begging for mercy. He turned me into a spasming, giggling wreck. Like the night before, he wouldn’t stop…and damn, if that didn’t make me hard.

He wet his lips and watched my half-hard cock grow to full size. He let me fall onto my back and ran those evil fingers all over my length. I gasped for breath and moaned at the same time, creating a weird garbled sound that made him laugh. I loved his smile, but I wanted his moan. God, he was so unbelievably hot. I needed more of him.

I shoved him off me and clambered up until I was kneeling with my arms around his neck and my mouth on his.

“Shut up.” I grabbed his jaw and kissed him again, desperate to make him feel good.

He moaned as he pulled me closer, and satisfaction rolled through me. But it was fleeting, and I wanted more. I grabbed his ass and went weak when my fingers sunk into tight, plump flesh. My dick jumped and the twitch pushed it against Derek’s hard-on, which grew bigger with every kiss.

I pushed him back, so he sat against the headboard, and then straddled his lap. He moaned and moved me to push our erections flush against each other and a thrill ran through me as his hot flesh touched mine. His thick, chunky, solid rock of a dick was so hard I could rut up against it while precum dribbled down and smeared between us.

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