Touch And Go - Aiden Bates Page 0,33

arms flopped to his sides and he shook his head at me, as if I were a lost cause. “Not sure if you're aware of this, but I know my own mind and my own body, and I’m responsible for my own choices. I can act on my desires and no one needs to freak out about it. I don’t need you to be a martyr. In fact, it’s a total turn-off.” He slumped against the couch and scowled.

I opened my mouth then snapped it shut again. Where I’d pictured him as a vulnerable, impressionable kid, he was instead a self-assured young man adamant nothing we’d done—my intrusion during his shower, the kisses, the touching—had been a violation.

I sounded desperate. “Seb—”

He held up a hand and shook his head, shaking off the moment. “Now that we’ve cleared that up, thanks again for your help, but I’m gonna head out and figure out what the fuck is going on with my life.” He ran his hands over his thighs and my greedy gaze followed the path. I was out of control.

“Whoa, wait.” I reached out reflexively, curled my fingers around his arm and waited for him to look at me. Instead, he stared at my hand where it touched his bare skin. Or maybe smoldered was a better word.

“For what?”

I lowered my hand and picked at the towel. “You said you’d stay the day.”

He sat back down, glanced around, then looked me over skeptically. His obvious distrust felt like an uncomfortable itch at the back of my neck. “Plans change.”

I spoke quickly and implored him with my eyes to stay. “The twins are looking into what went down at your apartment, so why don’t you hold tight here, get some rest, and then we can make a new plan with the info they dig up.”

He scratched the back of his head, and I did my best not to look at the blush of nipple that was peeking out from sleeve of the tank top.

“Look. You’ve got no phone, no wallet, no money, and your apartment was ransacked. Where are you going to go? To your brother?” He had to see reason and I was prepared to argue this for as long as I needed. To help him. To show him he was safe. To remind him of the danger waiting for him when he stepped out of Vanguard Tower.

He nodded, petulant and pouting. “Thanks for reminding me that my life has gone to shit.”

I chuckled at his sharp sarcasm, and relaxed when he smiled a little. If he was so desperate to leave, the least I could do was help him figure some things out. Plus, any information I could get would help Matt. “Why has your life gone to shit? What’s all this about?”

He gave an agonized groan into his hands and leaned back on the couch. “I wish I knew!” But he dropped his hands and turned his head to gaze at me.

I glanced away because looking at him still stirred heat in my belly and I was apparently ill-equipped to handle it without letting it get the better of my good intentions. “No idea? Really? There has to be something.” Concentrating on his issues was a good distraction.

“Yeah. There’s something.” He sighed and sat forward, dropped his hands onto his thighs and rubbed his legs again. I absolutely didn’t notice the rasp of friction where his hands ran over the denim hugging him so well. Didn’t pay any attention to the way his fingers curled around his knee for just a second before he slid them back. And no way did I focus on the intensity of his sigh as he prepared whatever he was about to say. I was an adult, not ruled by my dick. I could have a conversation and be fine. “I think I saw something I shouldn’t have. Next minute, everything is upside now, I died in the river, I’m basically homeless…and now I don’t know who to trust.”

“Me. You can trust me.” I put a hand on my chest, swearing a silent oath. It was the right answer.

I caught his gaze and my breath snagged.

“Yeah.” His voice was barely a whisperer, and he wet his lips nervously. Inched closer. “Maybe I can.”

I held his eye and a painful magnetic pull urged me to move closer to him. But if I did…things would happen. I couldn’t just hold him and tell him everything was going to be okay. I was too desperate to Copyright 2016 - 2024