Touch And Go - Aiden Bates Page 0,23

once I got him back here? He’s a little demon, went after the family jewels—” Eli lifted the bag of now melting frozen corn, then gingerly returned it to its spot.

“He’s a kid!” Oh, God. Kidnapping in the most literal sense. Even if the kid is of legal age. Mostly.

“What’d you want me to do? Leave him there? With the armed gunman? Chill! He’s fine!”

“Except he’s locked in the fucking bathroom, probably terrified for his life.” I blew air out from pursed lips, ran a hand over my face, and paced. This poor guy had been through so much today. “At least he’s safe.”

Eli let out an annoyed groan. “I was joking about the boyfriend thing, but the look on your face tells me there’s some truth to it.” He looked me over with half-lidded eyes and a pinched mouth. “I thought this was just going to be another stray, but there’s more to it, huh?” Such a know-it-all.

“Shut up. I met him at work. He’s just like the others we’ve helped, okay? It’s always a unique situation, and I’m the one who found him. I’m invested.” That was my story and I was sticking to it.


“You met him at work,” Owen echoed, like I needed reminding I’d not just stepped but rushed like my ass was on fire into an ethical gray area.

“Fucking hell, don’t start on me.” I needed to see Seb. I needed to apologize for how Eli had manhandled him—and I needed to not call it “manhandling” if I had any chance of getting that unsavory image out of my mind.

“Where’s the gratitude?” Eli called after me as I made my way to the bathroom, and I gave him the finger as a thank you.

The door to the bathroom was locked from the outside with a chair shoved under the knob. I knocked gently.

“Let me the fuck out, you psychopathic fuck!” Seb’s voice boomed off the bathroom tile and through the heavy wood door. Laughter erupted from behind me, and I did my best to ignore the peanut gallery in the living room.

“Hey, it’s me. Derek.” I wasn’t a hundred percent sure he’d remember, but I took a chance.

“Fuck you.” Enraged didn’t quite cover the sound of his voice. Probably closer to homicidal.

“I’m here to help—”

“I don’t fucking believe you! You’re all fucking insane. You had me kidnapped! The other one did the kidnapping. And now there’s a third one trying to be my friend. I’ve got friends!”

I couldn’t blame him for his anger. When he phrased it that way, it sounded bad. “I promise you, we’re just trying to help. My brothers and I help out young guys in need—”

“Jesus! Do you hear yourself? That’s sketchy as fuck!”

I probably could’ve phrased it better, but I pressed on. “We help out lots of guys who need a safe place to stay, and I don’t know why Eli had to use such extreme force to get you out of that situation at your apartment, but all I want to do is make sure you’re okay now. Do you think I could come in?” I glanced back to where Owen and Eli were turned the wrong way on the sofa to get a better look at me groveling at my own bathroom door. I shot a glare and turned back to talk to Seb. I pressed my palm against the wood and spoke softly. “Seb, I’m sorry. We’re really just trying to help.”

Silence. Then, “Okay. You can come in.”

His trembling voice caught on something in my chest and made my heart ache. I slid the chair away and wiped my suddenly sweaty palms on my pants before I eased open the door. I wasn’t sure what I expected to see—maybe a roughed-up and traumatized Seb crouching in a corner or, best-case scenario, those bright green eyes twinkling like he was happy to see me. But I sure wasn’t expecting an empty bathroom.

“What the—Ah! Fuck!”

The heavy wooden toilet seat flew at me, barely missed my head and only because I ducked. Seb bolted out behind me, and I spun to chase him, but didn’t get far because he came to an abrupt halt, and I smashed against his back. It took me a moment to get my bearings.

Then I saw it. All seven of my brothers standing in a row and blocking our path.



I stopped and barely felt Dr. Dish slam into my back, because what was in front of me was so unbelievable I thought I must have Copyright 2016 - 2024