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all new and black as well.

“Nice car,” I commented as I closed the door behind me.

“Thanks, it’s a 1983 Mustang. I rebuilt pretty much all of it. She’s my baby.”

He patted the dash affectionately and I laughed at him. “Oh no, don’t tell me your one of those guys who loves their car more than any woman.”

He laughed, “No, I wouldn’t say that, but she is pretty close to my heart.”

He peeled out of his spot and headed toward my dorm. It was quiet for a minute as I racked my brain for something intelligent to say. I figured that I’d only get this opportunity once, and even with the traffic, I’d be home in five minutes tops so I didn’t want to waste it.

“I’m Chloe by the way.”

“Drake Allen, nice to meet you Chloe.”

I grinned, “Well, now that we got the whole awkward introduction thing over with, I feel better.”

He busted out laughing, “Yeah, glad we got the awkward part of the evening over.”

My face instantly turned blood red, thinking of the view he had seen tonight, and I looked out the window hoping he wouldn’t notice. Apparently he did, because he laughed again.

“Sorry I didn’t mean to embarrass you. Think of it this way, with the introduction we had, I won’t forget you anytime soon.”

My face felt even hotter, if that was possible, and I groaned, hiding my face in my hands. “Oh my God. I think I’d like to die right now thank you.”

He kept chuckling as the light turned green and he turned onto my street. We pulled into the parking lot across from the dorm and he put the car in park, waiting for me to get out. I didn’t want to leave yet, so I said the first thing that popped into my head.

“Your band is pretty amazing, you guys rocked at the party tonight.”

His eyes lit up and I could tell I’d hit on a subject he was happy to talk about.

“Thanks, we play every Friday night down at the bar across town called Gold’s Pub. You should stop down some night and check us out. The bar is awesome and just between the two of us, they don’t card.”

Was he asking me to meet him again? No, he was probably just trying to get more fans. There was no way a guy this hot could be interested in me.

I glanced at him again, taking in just attractive he was. His lip ring caught my attention as it glimmered from the reflection of the street light outside. I wondered what it would feel like to kiss him with that in. Pulling myself away from any thoughts of his lips, I quickly smiled at him and opened the door. “Good to know, I’ll stop down sometime. I’d better head inside, thank you for everything.”

He smiled back at me, “Yeah, no problem. Goodnight.”

I quickly grabbed my shoes and got out of the car, watching for any pebbles or glass that I might step on as I closed the door. I started to walk away when he rolled the window down.

“Hey Chloe?”

I turned back to the car and leaned down to the window, “Yeah?”

He had the oddest look on his face, but stayed silent. Finally after what felt like an eternity, he smiled at me. “Watch out for cracks from now on ok?”

How I made it up my room without breaking my neck, I’ll never know. I even managed to sneak in without waking Rachel up, who was out cold with her book across her chest. All I could think about was Drake with his flirtatious nature and charming smile. That smile could make me forget my first name, so it was understandable that one minute I was walking away from his car and the next I was sitting on my bed in a daze.

I admitted to myself that I was attracted to him from the moment I saw him, but now that I had actually talked to him, it was ten times stronger. He seemed like a nice guy if my first interaction with him was any indication of his personality. He could have embarrassed me endlessly from what he had seen, but he played it off like nothing to help put me at ease, and I truly appreciated that from him.

I fell back into my pillow and groaned. Men had no spot in my college plans, they had never had a spot anywhere truthfully. Although I wasn’t planning on becoming a nun anytime soon,

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