Torn (Torn Series) Page 0,78

Come on Chloe, I need to get out of here before I do something stupid.”

I grabbed my purse and stood, refusing to look at either of them. We walked back out to his car and got in, Logan slamming his door with so much force I was afraid he was going to break the window. “That’s it. I’ve kept quiet about your friendship with that asshole but not anymore. I don’t want you around him again.”

I instantly bristled at his command. “You don’t control me Logan, I can talk to who I want.”

He slammed his fists into the steering wheel and I jumped. “Damn it Chloe! Can you not see how he looks at you? I just called him out in there, right in front of you and he didn’t deny it. He has feelings for you.”

I threw my purse on the floor and turned to glare at him, “You’re being stupid Logan!”

“No I’m not. Promise me you’ll stop talking to him!”

“I’m not promising you anything! You’re being ridiculous and I refuse to talk to you until you get your shit together! Now take me home!”

“You’re so fucking impossible Chloe!”

I ignored him as he started the car and peeled out of the lot. We spent the ride home in silence and as soon as he parked that car I was out and running. I didn’t stop until I had slammed my dorm room door behind me. Rachel was on her side of the room unpacking, but stopped what she was doing to stare at me. “Um, hi?”

I growled as I stomped to my bed and sat down.

“What’s wrong with you?”

I growled again, “Logan! He’s such an asshole. I told him from the beginning he couldn’t control me or who my friends were, but yet here we are.”

I fell back on my bed as Rachel frowned, “Uh oh, lovers quarrel?”

I shot a glare in her direction. “Yeah you could say that.”

My phone started ringing in my pocket and I groaned as I pulled it out. It was Logan of course. I hit ignore and threw it on the bed beside me. It rang again but I ignored it. A few minutes later someone started pounding on the door. I made no move to answer it so Rachel sighed and walked over to open it. She just barely cracked it open but I could see Logan standing there.

“Can I talk to Chloe?”

Rachel glanced over to me but I shook my head no.

“Logan, I don’t think right now is a good time. Let her cool off ok?”

He groaned, “Fine. But tell her I’m sorry ok?”

She nodded before shutting the door in his face.

“Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

She gave me a small smile as she walked back her bed to start grabbing clothes to put away. “You owe me. I feel like I should get a free drink when I come to visit you at work.”

“Done,” I answered instantly and she laughed.

“Well that was easy, maybe I should have thought this out a little better before making my demands.”

“Sorry, you already set your price. No take backs.”

I ducked and laughed as she threw a shoe at me, “Fine, be that way!”

Chapter Eighteen

Mommy Dearest

I spent the rest of the day in my room with Rachel, dodging calls from Logan. The next morning I left early to go to class, hoping to avoid him. Unfortunately, he was standing in the lobby waiting for me. I slowed as I approached and he grinned at me as he held out a cup of coffee.

“Peace offering? I’m sorry if I acted like a jerk yesterday. I just get so crazy when it comes to that guy.”

I took the coffee from him and started sipping carefully, “You were a jerk.” I started walking toward the door and he followed close behind.

“Yeah I know I was, but I want to make up for it if you’ll let me.”

I stared at the ground as we walked. I felt guilty for being angry with him since he was spot on with his observations about Drake. But how could I tell him that without the entire truth coming out? “I don’t know Logan. Everything is so messed up right now.”

He frowned as he pulled me into a hug, “I know. We haven’t spent any time together lately, and when we do I go and pull this crap. Just let me make it up to you, I promise things will get better between us. I don’t want to lose you Chloe, I love you.”

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