Torn (Torn Series) Page 0,71

is, they were in their own little world talking quietly together. A few girls came to the table and attempted to flirt with Drake, but he brushed them away. Finally, I decided it was time to leave. I poked Amber in the ribs and motioned to the door, “You ready?”

She glanced back and forth between Adam and me, “Actually, I was going to hang out here with Adam a little longer,” she pulled her keys out of her purse and handed them to me. “Take my car, I’ll catch a ride back with someone.”

I winked at her and told everyone else goodnight. Drake completely ignored me as he nursed his beer. I walked out, making sure to avoid Chris’s table as I went. Once I made it to my car I took a deep breath. How dare he defend me like that? He was more of an asshole than that guy could ever be and I didn’t want or need his help with anything. Seeing a nicer side of him only confused me more, and right now, I didn’t think I could handle anymore.

I woke up the next morning with a text from Amber had sent in the middle of the night, telling me she was staying the night with Adam. I laughed as I rolled out of bed and found some comfortable clothes to wear for the day. I was happy for her, I just hoped she meant what she said in the car the night before.

Since Logan had to work all day yet again, I spent most of the afternoon running errands, picking up my schedule for work the next week and unpacking my stuff from over break. Once I finished unpacking, I grabbed one of those industrial sized garbage bags that you could hide a dead body in and made my way out to the parking lot to clean out my car. January in West Virginia was usually pretty cold, but today was actually warm enough to go outside without a jacket.

Since I hadn’t cleaned out my car in months and it was starting to look like an advertisement for every fast food chain known to man, I took full advantage of the pretty weather to clean it out. I groaned as I opened the back door and stared inside. Maybe I should have brought two bags out. I spent the next hour throwing away all the garbage and throwing anything important into the front seat while In This Moment was blaring from the speakers of my car. I chuckled as I received several glares for my loud music from people walking by. Some people had no taste in music.

I finally finished the inside of the car and opened the trunk. I hadn’t been back here in forever and God only knew what I’d find. I sucked in a breath as I noticed Drake’s jacket sitting inside from that night all those months ago. I set it carefully aside as I started rummaging through the rest of the contents, debating on what to do with it. I could just give it away, it’s not like he’d missed it all this time.

I sighed as I finished cleaning and hauled the garbage bag to the nearby dumpster and carried his jacket back to my room. I sat it on my bed and went to shower, still debating on what to do with it. It was still sitting there when I returned. I had hoped someone would break in and steal it while I was in the shower and take care of the problem for me, but no such luck. I grumbled to myself as I pulled on a pretty blue jean skirt and a long sleeved shirt. I decided I would just stop by the bar and give it to Jade or one of the guys. Since it was Saturday, they wouldn’t have a show and hopefully Drake would be anyplace else in the world besides that bar.

I took a deep breath before stepping into the bar, holding Drake’s jacket to my chest like a shield. I could do this, just walk up to Jade, drop it off and leave. Glancing around the room I spotted the band sitting at our normal table, but Drake wasn’t with them. Hoping luck was with me for once and he hadn’t just stepped away for a minute, I headed for the table. Jade glanced up and smiled at me. Figuring she was the safest one, I sat down in the chair next Copyright 2016 - 2024