Torn (Torn Series) Page 0,7

head a little. I started walking in the direction of my dorm when the spike on my heel caught in a crack on the sidewalk. I flew forward and landed face first with my ass sticking straight up in the air.

“Damn these shoes!”

I muttered curses as I tried to stand when a hand grabbed me firmly by the arm and stood me up. I tried to balance myself, but the heel had broken off of the shoe and I wobbled, falling against whoever had picked me up. Strong male arms wrapped around me and pulled me into his chest, keeping me from falling all over again. I glanced up to thank my savior, but the words lodged in my throat when I saw it was the lead singer holding me. I stared at him, unable to think, or move for that matter.

He cocked his head to one side, looking down at me, “You ok?”

His voice pulled me back to reality and I realized I had just been standing there staring into his eyes for longer than I cared to think about.

I cleared my throat and nodded., “Yes, thank you, my stupid shoe caught in the sidewalk.”

“Yeah, I saw.”

I stepped away from him, careful not to lose my balance again, and glanced over his shoulder to where the other members of the band were loading up the equipment into the back of a van. The color in my face drained as I realized he was directly behind me when I fell. I knew that anyone behind me had seen pretty much everything thanks to the length of my dress, and to make things even better I had worn a thong tonight so he really had gotten a show. My face heated and the corners of his mouth turned up as if he knew what I was thinking.

“No big deal.”

I knew he was trying to make me feel better, but at this point I was done. A person can only take so much embarrassment before they die of shame.

“Well thank you for helping me, I appreciate it.”

“Not a problem.”

As he spoke, I watched his eyes travel the length of my body and I knew I needed to leave before I did something stupid.

“Well, thanks again. I’d stay and chat but I need to get home,” I turned quickly and removed both my shoes, dreading the now endless barefoot walk back to my dorm.

He grabbed my shoulder and turned me back toward him. “Where are you headed? My car is right over there, I can drop you off instead of making you walk without shoes.”

Doubt at getting a ride from a complete stranger clouded my thoughts as I looked up at him. If Logan knew he would absolutely kill me. I chewed my lower lip, debating before nodding my head. “Oh, well ok, if you don’t mind. It’s only three blocks over to my dorm. I can walk though, it’s not that far.”

The thought of being in a car with this stranger made my stomach quake. As handsome as he was sitting next to me in class, being up close and personal to him a whole other matter. I had never seen someone with such dark brown eyes, and the way his dark hair hung in his eyes, it took everything I had not to reach out and push it back. When he had pulled me against his chest I had felt pure, hard muscle and the shirt he wore was fitted enough that I could see those muscles beneath it. I almost blushed as I started picturing what he looked like without a shirt on.

“It’s not a problem. Wait here and I’ll pull my car over.”

I nodded as he turned and started walking to the lot across the street to get his car. I watched him walk away without guilt as I stared at one of the nicest backsides I had ever seen. He glanced back once, and I quickly averted my eyes, hoping he hadn’t noticed me checking him out. How many times can one person embarrass themselves in one night?

A minute later he pulled up next to me and I almost rolled my eyes. A guy that looked this good should not have a car this sexy. I knew next to nothing about cars, but I knew this one was old, even though it looked brand new. The exterior was a glossy black with chrome wheels, and as I opened the door and hopped in, I saw the inside was Copyright 2016 - 2024