Torn (Torn Series) Page 0,68

a minute. Just as I leaned back in the seat to relax, she spoke again. “Chloe, is everything ok with you guys? You barely mentioned him over break and you seem less than enthused with this conversation.”

I mentally smacked myself for letting the conversation get this far. Amber had always been a pro at gauging my emotions and now was no different. “We’re fine. But that’s the problem, everything about him is just fine. I love him, but I don’t know if I share his feelings or if I’m mistaking friendship for something more because that’s what I’m supposed to do.”

“Don’t you think you should have figured that out before you decided to get into a relationship with him? Actually, I distinctly remember telling you to get your shit together.”

“Yeah I know, I’m a dumbass. Point made.”

She gave me a sympathetic smile, “Sorry, but you’ve got to figure this out. It’s not fair to string him along like this if you aren’t sure.”

I groaned and sunk further back into my seat. “Trust me, I know. You have no idea how much I know.”

We made it back to Morgantown in record time, mostly due to Amber’s crazy driving. She had been fine on the drive to her parents, but on the way home I had asked her what the hell the rush was as she weaved in and out of traffic. People blew their horns at us and I had more than one middle finger pointed at me when I was brave enough to glance at them. When we pulled up outside our dorm I nearly fell to my knees and kissed the ground.

“What. The. Hell?” I yelled as she stepped out of the car and opened the trunk to start pulling our bags out.

She threw my bags at me and grinned, “What’s your problem?”

“My.. wha.. YOU TRIED TO KILL US!”

“You’re such a baby! I was just trying to make it back in time for Drake’s show with the guys. And since you’re off, you can go too! You haven’t been to one in forever!”

My stomach plummeted to the ground I was currently worshiping as I tried to come up with a valid excuse not to go. “Um, I can’t. I have to go pick up my work schedule and get all this stuff put away.”

She rolled her eyes as we walked inside our dorm, “You can do that tomorrow. Tonight, we party! Let’s meet down here in two hours, and I will hunt you down if you try to get out of it!”

With that, she turned and walked down the hallway to her room. I groaned as I carried my things up the stairs to my room. There was no way I was getting out of seeing Drake tonight and I knew it. When Amber set her mind on something, you might as well just go along with it and save yourself the time and aggravation.

I threw my bags on the ground and fell onto the bed. Rachel wasn’t back yet, so I was left with nothing more than my thoughts and silence. I was back here with both Logan and Drake, and I had to deal with my demons. They were staring me straight in the face now and I couldn’t ignore them or push them away any longer. I vowed to tell Logan everything that had happened when the time felt right. Who was I kidding? That time would never come, so I settled for next week after we were adjusted to our new classes.

I rose from the bed and sent Logan a quick text letting him know we made it home mostly intact and that I would be at the bar for the rest of the evening before I started getting ready for what was sure to be a miserable evening. I knew Amber would go for a sexy, knock the boys to their knees look since Adam was going to be there and decided to do the same. As I thought about the looks Amber gave him, I would’ve bet my whole music collection that he was the reason for the newly acquired mad driving skills.

I pulled a short black dress that barely covered my legs or my breasts out of the back of my closet and pulled it on. I left my hair down and decided to actually wear make-up for once. I used dark colored eye shadow and a bit more mascara than was necessary to pull off the look I was going for, Copyright 2016 - 2024