Torn (Torn Series) Page 0,66

a weak smile, “I’m always the last to know.”

“You’ve always lived in your own head. I’m surprised he didn’t have to get a flashing neon sign and hold it in front of you.”

I chuckled, “That would have helped.”

We sat in silence for a moment before she bumped my shoulder with hers. “So, tell me all about it. How are you two doing together?”

I shrugged, “We’re ok I guess.”

She raised her eyebrows, “Uh oh, just ok?”

I started playing with the same string she had earlier, “No, we’re great.”

“Chloe, you know you can tell me anything right?”

I looked up at her and choked on the lies I was about to spew. This woman loved me, I could see it shining in her eyes now that I knew to look for it. I couldn’t tell Amber my problems because she was friends with both of us and that would put her directly in the middle of us. If she told him she’d betray me, and if she didn’t she’d betray him and I wouldn’t put her in that position.

But could I tell Emma without her passing it on, even by accident? I had to tell someone, this was eating me alive and I couldn’t take it anymore. I couldn’t handle being the only one who knew.

“I did something really stupid. I’m a horrible person and I don’t deserve Logan. He’s such a great guy and I’m nothing more than trash.”

She placed her hand on my shoulders and starting rubbing circles gently, “It can’t be that bad honey.”

I shook my head, “It is Emma, I don’t know how I can live with myself. I cheated on him, I cheated on the most amazing friend I’ve ever had.”

Her hand stilled on my shoulder and I waited for her to start yelling at me. I deserved nothing less.

“Oh Chloe, what happened?”

“His name’s Drake and I fell for him the minute I saw him. He’s gorgeous and even though he has a rough exterior, he has the biggest heart I’ve ever known. Or at least I thought he did.”

She listened as I poured my heart out and told her everything that happened since I met Drake, asking questions from time to time. When I finished, I had tears streaming down my face again as she pulled me into a tight hug.

“You’ve really made a mess out of everything haven’t you?”

I nodded as I buried my head in her neck.

“I know you’re going to hate me for saying this, but you really do need to tell Logan. Yes, you might lose him but you can’t keep living like this. And from what you’ve told me about Drake, I can’t say that I agree with your opinion on his feelings. He obviously has issues since he goes through so many women, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t hurting too. You have to talk to both of them before this spins even more out of control.”

I nodded as I pulled back, “I know. And thank you for listening to my sob story, but please don’t say anything to Amber. I don’t want her in the middle of this.”

She nodded, “Your secret is safe with me. Now go wash up so we can eat dinner. Dave and Amber are waiting for us.”

She stood and left the room, leaving me with my thoughts. It felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulder by telling her. I knew she was right, I had to tell Logan but I didn’t know how. I couldn’t just walk up to him and say, “Oh by the way, I slept with Drake. It didn’t mean anything to him but it broke my heart. Just thought you should know.” Yeah, that would go over real well.

I went to the guest bathroom and washed up, scrubbing my face as well to try to hide the evidence of my tears. By the time I made my way downstairs, everyone was already at the table. I sat down beside Amber and she looked over at me with a worried expression.

“You ok? You look like you’ve been crying?”

“I’m fine, it must be where I just woke up.”

We spent the rest of dinner catching up on each other’s lives. I pushed the conversation with Emma away as I sat and laughed with Amber’s family. With my family. Maybe I wasn’t quite as alone as I had always thought.

Chapter Sixteen

Cleaning Out My… Car?

Amber and I spent most of our winter break out and about, shopping, going to the movies, and even to Copyright 2016 - 2024