Torn (Torn Series) Page 0,6

the door, “I don’t know, but if you can lord knows you would be.”

I tried to smack her but my heel caught on the carpeting in the hallway and I nearly fell down.

She started laughing like an idiot at my usual clumsiness, “That never gets old. Seriously though, gravity has never been kind to you.”

I stuck my tongue out at her back as we made our way out the door and across campus to our first college party.

Chapter Two

Falling For You

I walked up the steps of the huge Sorority house, Amber following close behind. There were students everywhere, all looking completely wasted even though it was only an hour into the party. I pushed through the door and was blasted with music loud enough to make my ears bleed. I had no idea who it was, but they were doing a cover of Chevelle’s The Red and they were amazing.

Amber came up beside me and motioned toward the table holding more alcohol than I cared to think about. I grinned and nodded, tonight was about having a blast, hangover be damned. I grabbed her by the hand and marched over to the table, grabbing a cup and filling it to the top.

There were several guys standing next to us at the table and they smiled approvingly as they took in my dress. I gave them my best flirty smile and as the band switched to Pour Some Sugar on Me, two of the guys approached us.

“Hey, I’m Ben, this is Alex. Care to dance?”

I grinned and nodded, noticing Alex was practically undressing Amber with his eyes.

Ben led me to the center of the dance floor and we started dancing close, more grinding than any actual dance moves. As we moved, he put his hands on my hips to pull me closer, if that were possible. We had only been dancing for a few minutes when I glanced up across the sea of people and locked eyes with the singer of the band. My breath froze in my chest. It was him. Mr. Tall, dark, tattooed, and pierced from my morning class. And he was staring straight at me. I dropped my gaze, suddenly shy.

I finished dancing with Ben as the song ended and made my way back to the drink table, as far from the singer as possible. Much to my dismay, Ben followed.

He stared down at me, more at my low neckline than my face.

“Want to get out of here?” He grinned naughtily at me, leaving no doubt as to where he wanted to go.

“No thanks, I think I’m just going to hang out here.”

He looked disappointed but shrugged and walked away. I glanced around for Amber, seeing her and Alex locked around each other on one of the couches pushed against the far wall. I grinned, about time she started actually trying to move on. Not that I was the type to hook up with random guys at parties, but she deserved some fun after all the heartache she’d had with Chad over the summer.

I hung around the party awhile longer, refilling my cup a few times and dancing with a couple different guys, but I refused to go home with any of them. Not my style, unlike several of the girls I’d seen sneaking upstairs to the bedrooms above throughout the night.

I listened to the band, which I was blown away by, but I refused to glance back up at the singer, afraid he’d be looking at me again. I mentally hit myself. There was no reason to be all nervous around this guy, he had never even talked to me. I wasn’t going to let some random guy make me crazy. I glanced up to the stage, but the band was packing up; they had finished their set while I was thinking about him.

I decided to call it a night, even though the party was still in full swing. My head was slightly fuzzy and I knew if I stayed any longer I’d end up drunk off my ass passed and out on a couch, or worse. If I called Logan like that, he would surely lock me in my room for the rest of the year. I pushed through the crowd to the door, texting Amber so she would know I’d left.

As soon as I made it out the door I sighed in relief. I hadn’t realized how hot it was inside and feeling the cool evening air on my skin helped to clear my Copyright 2016 - 2024