Torn (Torn Series) Page 0,51

stage. I watched as Drake introduced them and then started into the first song. Just like before, I was mesmerized by his voice as the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. He just had a presence on stage that demanded you stop whatever you were doing and listen to him.

I bobbed my head with the music as they played a few fast songs. A group of girls appeared in front of Drake as he continued to sing. He would occasionally glance down at them and wink, causing them to scream out his name. I rolled my eyes at their attempts to get his attention.

He finished out the current song and waited for everyone to stop shouting out his name before he spoke, “Alright, we’re going to slow it down a bit with a new song. I wrote this earlier in the week, I hope you all enjoy it,” he smiled at the women standing at his feet, “This one is for all the ladies in the room.”

They started screaming as Jade started in with a slow beat, followed by Eric and Adam. Drake came in last with his guitar as he closed his eyes and started singing the most beautiful lyrics I had ever heard. I froze as his eyes opened and locked onto mine.

I’ve searched high and low for someone like you

Feeling like there was no one around

Until I saw you

You look my breath away, made me smile

Stole my heart and blinded me with your beauty

I’m raw when you’re not around

Lost when you’re gone you see, but that’s how it has to be

Such beauty could never be wasted on me

I hope you’ll understand why

I push you away and hide inside myself

I’ll never be good enough, I’m caged inside myself

Please forgive me

Please forgive me.

My eyes stung with tears as I listened to him sing to me.

Logan nudged me and whispered in my ear, “You want to dance?”

I didn’t, not while Drake stood on stage and bared his soul to me, but I nodded and let him lead me into the space where several other couples were already dancing.

He pulled me close and rested his hands on my hips as I watched Drake behind him. He was still staring at me, with a look of pure pain on his face and it broke my heart. If only things could have been different. Logan hugged me tight as we swayed back and forth and kissed me on the cheek. I looked away from Drake to Logan as I leaned in and gently kissed him on the lips. I had to move on and Logan was standing right here in front of me, waiting on me, his eyes filled with love. I had to accept that I would never have Drake.

Logan returned my kiss eagerly before pulling back.

“What was that for?”

“It just felt right.”

He smiled as Drake finished the song and told everyone goodnight. Logan and I grabbed a couple bottles of beer and returned to the table. The band packed up their instruments and followed Drake over to our table.

Jade smiled at me as she pulled a chair from a neighboring table and sat down next to me. “Hey Chloe, good to see you again.”

“Yeah, you too.”

Everyone shifted around the table to give Drake, Eric, and Adam room to squeeze into our cramped space as Drake introduced the guys to us. This was the first time I had ever seen either one of them up close. Eric had his light brown hair styled in the same shaggy mess as Drake did, but he didn’t have any of Drake’s piercings. He looked surprisingly clean cut for being in a rock band. He had a few tattoos scattered across his uncovered arms but that was the extent of his body modification as far as I could see.

Adam, on the other hand, was an animal all his own. His hair was dyed an electric blue and was styled in a Mohawk that stood several inches high. His eyebrows were both pierced twice and he had a set of snakebites. He screamed wild and I gave Amber a subtle kick under the table when I saw her watching him like he was a God.

We fell into an easy conversation as everyone settled themselves around the table. I refused to look at Drake as Jade and I started talking, afraid of what I’d see if I looked into his eyes. We were interrupted when three girls came over and settled themselves in the male Copyright 2016 - 2024