Torn (Torn Series) Page 0,42

over at me, “Yeah, I kind of like her too.”

I played with the rings on my hands as Katelynn applied the outline to his skin and picked up her gun.

“You ready?”

“Yes. Chloe come over and watch, that way you’ll know it’s not so bad.”

I rose slowly from my chair and went to stand behind Katelynn. The view from here was amazing and I tried to concentrate as Drake spoke, but my eyes were glued to him and my brain was on leave.

I jumped as Drake yelled my name.

“Sorry, what?”

He smirked at me, “If you would stop staring at my ass you’d hear what I was saying. I told you to watch my face when she does it. That way you’ll see that I’m not in any real pain.”

I jumped again as the gun came to life. She held his skin taunt and slowly lowered her gun. Just as she touched his skin, Drake screamed out in agony. My hands flew to my face to control my own scream as Katelynn jerked back.

Drake’s body started shaking with laughter.

“You guys are so easy.”

I stomped over and smacked him across the back of the head.

“You jerk! That wasn’t funny!”

He continued to chuckle, “Ouch, sorry. Go ahead, I’ll try to control myself.”

“Laugh now, but if I screw this up it’s on your head, not mine,” Katelynn said as she glared at him.

“I said I was sorry. Now ink me.”

I smacked him again.

“What the hell was that for?”

“You’re being bossy again, so lay there and shut up.”

Katelynn slowly lowered the gun back down and went to work on outlining that tattoo. I watched his face as she worked and he showed no sign of pain, except an occasional twinge. In less than half an hour she was done. He stood slowly and walked to a mirror in the corner of the room. I expected him to start yelling at me as he turned until he could see the image, but he just stood there in silence. He stayed that way for a few minutes and finally I couldn’t take the silence any longer.

“Drake, say something. How mad are you at me?”

He pulled his gaze away from his reflection to look at me. He walked silently across the room, his jeans still low on his hips, and stopped in front of me with a serious expression on his face.

“You want to know what I think?”

I nodded as he leaned in closer to me. I closed my eyes, waiting for him to start yelling at me.

“I think this is the funniest thing I have ever seen in my life.”

I opened my eyes and peeked up at him.

“Come again?”

He started chuckling as he pulled away from me.

“I love it, and every time I stare at it I’ll think of you.”

I started laughing, “Um, exactly how often do you stare at your own ass?”

“I don’t normally, but with this little piece of you back there, I might have to do it more often.”

“Wow, like I said before, you’re such a charmer.”

He grinned as Katelynn came over and covered his new artwork with a bandage.

“You know the drill, leave the bandage on for a couple hours, and put Petroleum Jelly on it a couple times a day for about three days.”

He nodded as he pulled his jeans back up and buttoned them, “Got it. It’s your turn now Chloe, get your butt over there.”

I walked past him and sat down in the chair as Katelynn cleaned up and started setting up for me. After she had everything ready, she applied the outline. I sucked in a deep breath as she powered up her gun and dipped in into the ink.

“You ready?”

I shook my head no and motioned for Drake to come over. He walked over to me and stood on the opposite side from her.

“Will you hold my hand while she does it?”

His eyes went soft and he smiled, “Of course I will.”

He pulled up a chair beside me and sat down as he laced our fingers together. I stared down at our entwined fingers and smiled as she began moving the gun across my skin. I tensed a bit at the stinging before relaxing.

“That’s it?”

She looked up at me and smiled, “That’s it. See, all that worrying for nothing.”

I started to pull my hand away from Drake’s but he stopped me.

“I’m ok, you don’t have to hold my hand.”

“Well you might decide you need it and it won’t be there. I’ll hold onto you just in case.”

Katelynn finished mine Copyright 2016 - 2024