Torn (Torn Series) Page 0,4

and pulled her into a hug, “Alright, I’ll go, but only because I have that super cute dress I’ve been dying to wear.”

She squealed and started jumping up and down, “Yay! And I love that dress, I told you so when I bought it for you! Plus, I have the cutest shoes to go with it!”

She grabbed my arm and pulled me into the dorm and up to her room. As soon as we were inside she started rummaging through boxes in her closet and pulled out a pair of killer red heels.

I smiled as she handed them to me, “Thanks. I’m going to head to my room and try to get the rest of my stuff unpacked before tonight. I’ll meet you back here around eight o’clock?”

“Ok, that works for me.”

I gave her one last hug before leaving and making my way up to the floor above where my dorm room was located. Even though Amber and I hadn’t ended up being roommates, fate must have been smiling on us. Logan, Amber, and I had all ended up in one of the few co-ed dorms on campus. We were stacked on top of each other with Amber on the first floor, me on the second, and Logan on the third. It was good to know if I needed either one of them they were just a set of stairs away.

I unlocked my door and stepped into the havoc I had left in my wake this morning. Groaning, I started gathering my dirty clothes and throwing them into the hamper by my closet. After I had managed to find my floor, I moved onto the boxes stacked against the wall. Did I really want to unpack all this stuff? That was a dumb question, of course I didn’t, but I couldn’t very well live out of boxes for the next year. I grabbed the top one and started unpacking the clothes inside. I had already put most of my clothes away this weekend, but there were still a couple boxes like this one with my sweat pants and baggy shirts I used as pajamas sometimes.

I managed to get a couple boxes put away before my phone started playing Blood by In This Moment and I grinned as I grabbed it off the bed.

“Hey Logan, find any jobs?”

He groaned in frustration, “I’ve already applied to half the town, so I’m sure I’ll find something. There are still a few places I want to check out though.”

“That’s cool, I’m trying to get the rest of this crap unpacked. I was going to suggest you come over and help me, but I guess that idea is out.”

He laughed at me, “Yeah, I think I’d rather be applying for jobs than helping you put your underwear away. Actually, on second thought…”

“Well when you put it like that, I can’t really blame you. If you’re free before we leave you should come with Amber and me to a party at one of the sorority houses.”

“I think I’ll pass on this one, but just be careful. Don’t leave your drink alone, and if you need me to come get you just call me ok? You know I worry about you.”

I rolled my eyes at his words, “Yes dad. I promise to be good.”

“I’m serious Chloe. I don’t know what I’d do if something happened to you.”

“I know that, and I promise I will be careful. I should probably go and try to get the rest of these boxes sorted. I’ll call you when I get home, promise.”

“Alright, just remember to call me later or I’ll be beating on your dorm door in the middle of the night in only my boxers.”

I laughed at him, “Well, as much of a thrill as that would give the girls on this floor, we wouldn’t want that. Talk to you later.”

I hung up and threw my phone back on the bed. I loved how protective Logan was of me, even if he made me feel smothered at times. He had always been this way, and it made me feel safe to know he was always there for me.

I managed to get all my boxes unpacked with a little over an hour to spare, so I decided to take a shower. Grabbing my bathroom bag, I made my way to the showers, which were almost completely empty with the exception of a few girls standing by the sinks. Not wanting to push my luck, I took the fastest shower on record Copyright 2016 - 2024