Torn (Torn Series) Page 0,37

chuckling on the line.

“Wow, you’re in a good mood, but just so you know, I’m not Amber.”

I sighed, “Apparently I’m popular today, what’s up?”

“Can you meet me at my house today around one o’clock? I want to take you somewhere, and before you ask, no I’m not telling you where we’re going. It’s a surprise.”

His question caught me off guard. Drake didn’t seem like the type to throw surprises out there and I was a bit leery of where he might be taking me.

“One question, you aren’t going to take me out to the woods and murder me right?”

He laughed, “No, not part of my plans. We won’t be going into any secluded woods so that I can murder you, or have my way with you.”

“Alright I’ll bite. But if you are messing with me, I will cut off that part of your anatomy you seem to be so fond of.”

“Deal, I’ll see you later. Don’t be late.”

My mind was creating all kinds of different scenarios as to where he could possibly be taking me, but I came up with nothing. Since I was going to be seeing him later, I took a little extra time doing my make-up and even straightened my hair. By the time I arrived at the coffee shop to meet Amber, she had called me twice telling me to hurry up.

I stepped into the cute little mom and pop type shop and saw Amber sitting in a booth away from most of the other customers with two coffee cups sitting on the table. I grabbed a cup and starting sipping from it as I sat down across from her.

“Finally, you took forever,” She looked me over and grinned, “What’s up with you? You look all girly.”

I rolled my eyes, “I’m allowed to look girly occasionally, but I’m meeting Drake after this so maybe I put a little extra effort into my appearance today.”

“That explains it, so tell me all about him and start from the beginning. We haven’t had any time alone to talk!”

I started when I first saw him and told her everything, only leaving out the part about Nick. As I spoke her eyes grew wide and she squealed like a ten year old when I told her about dancing with him and my blundering kiss.

“Oh Chloe! This is so great, I thought he was into you from how he acted around you, but hearing all of this I know for sure. He really likes you!”

I shook my head, “If he liked me, he wouldn’t have pushed me away when I kissed him.”

“You were drunk, if he had done anything else you would have been pissed off as soon as you sobered up. The fact that he didn’t just makes him that much better. Plus you know he’s not just trying to get in your pants.”

“I don’t know Amber, what about all the girls? I mean, the man had a drawer in his bedroom full of other girl’s underwear for God’s sake!”

“Well, I didn’t say he was perfect, he obviously likes women, but maybe if you two got together he would stay away from them. You need to sit down and talk to him, tell him how you feel.”

“No way am I putting myself out there like that. If he rejected me, it would be completely awkward.”

She sighed, “Chloe if you never put yourself out there, how is he supposed to know how you feel?”

She had a point, look at how long Logan had kept his feelings from me and I had no clue. I bit my lip and stared at my almost empty coffee cup. “There’s something else I haven’t told you and I know you’re going to be as shocked as I am.”

Her eyebrows disappeared into her bangs, “What on Earth could shock me after telling me all of that?”

“You remember the other night when Logan was drunk?”

She nodded, “Yeah what about it?”

“Drake helped me get him to his room and then left us alone. I helped Logan get into bed and when I started to leave he kissed me. I talked to him about it the next day and he admitted to having feelings for me, but he wasn’t going to pressure me into anything. I’ve tried to ignore the whole thing, but it’s eating at me. It’s Logan, how could he have those kinds of feelings for me?”

Amber avoided my gaze as she played with a napkin in her hands.

“Amber? What is it?”

“I knew.”

“What do you mean you knew? Copyright 2016 - 2024