Torn (Torn Series) Page 0,30

I nodded, "Yes, I'm fine; I just want to forget about it."

And I did. I also wanted to forget about Nick lying in the parking lot still unconscious as we pulled away. I hope he gets mugged, I thought venomously.

"Please don't tell anyone what happened. Please."

Drake shook his head, "I won't but you really should call the cops before it's too late. He deserves to be behind bars, I'd like to kill him for what he tried to do to you."

The anger in his voice softened my heart. This man seemed to really care, even though he barely knew me.

"No, just drop it."

He huffed as he pushed himself away from the counter and headed toward the doorway.

"Fine, let me show you where the bedroom is, I’m sure you're tired. You can shower too if you want."

A shower sounded wonderful to me. I wanted to scrub every minute of the night off of my skin.

"Yeah, I could definitely use a shower, but I don't have any clothes to change into."

He seemed uncomfortable for a minute, bouncing from foot to foot as he spoke, "You can wear my clothes and I, uh, have some girl underwear and bras someone left here."

My eyes widened and I couldn't help but to ask why he had women's underwear in his house.

"Well, a couple of them left extra clothes but never came after them."

My cheeks reddened at his words. I had assumed he got around, but this was proof in black and white lace.

"Ok, that's fine. Just show me the bathroom and where they're at."

He led me down the hallway and flipped on a light inside the bedroom. The room was not what I'd expected from him, but then I remembered he was renting. The walls were a light cream color, bare of anything sentimental, almost as if he didn't really live here at all.

I giggled as I noticed the color of the carpet, "Really? Pink? You never struck me as that type of guy."

He rolled his eyes as he dug through a drawer and pulled out a pair of boy shorts underwear, "Shut up. I'm renting remember?"

I grinned, "Of course."

He threw the underwear at me and started digging again. There were an awful lot of silky looking panties in there.

"What size bra do you wear?"

My mouth dropped open at the question, "That's none of your business thank you very much."

He gave me a sly look, "I'm trying to find something for you, I guess you'll have to make me guess."

He stared at my chest unashamed for a full minute longer than was necessary in my opinion. My cheeks warmed and I crossed my arms.

He grinned and turned back to the drawer, "Let’s see, I’m going to guess D?"

Could my face get any warmer? It seemed like all I did was blush when he was around.

He finally pulled a bra from the drawer, something far sexier than anything I wore, and threw it at me. I glanced at the tag and smiled to myself. 36D, he'd nailed it first try. He pulled a pair of jogging pants and a t-shirt from another drawer and handed them to me as well.

"Bathroom is directly across the hall. Yell if you need anything."

I turned and headed across the hall to the bathroom. Just as I started to shut the door his hand caught it. He had a playful look in his eyes.

"Looks like I guessed right on the bra," he said as he laughed and closed the door in my face.

I showered quickly and slipped on the borrowed clothes. I smelled Drake’s shirt as I slid it over my head. He always smelled so good, a mixture of his body wash and his natural male scent. This was getting ridiculous, even his scent turned me on. I stepped out of the bathroom and yelled goodnight down the hall toward him before making my way into his bedroom. I curled up in his covers, which also had that amazing Drake smell, and closed my eyes.

I tossed and turned, but I couldn’t seem to get comfortable. It wasn’t the bed really, my thoughts were in total chaos after what had happened to me. If Drake hadn’t come out of that bar, who knows what would have happened to me, besides the obvious. Rape. It was such a dirty word, and it brought tears to my eyes. No! You are not going to cry again. I sniffled as I shifted under the covers yet again.

Sometime later in the night, I woke up Copyright 2016 - 2024