Torn (Torn Series) Page 0,3

and waved, walking over to where I sat.

“Hey girl! How’d your classes go?”

I smiled as I stood and we started walking toward our dorm, “They were good, a bunch of boring stuff over and over mainly.”

She nodded as she walked along side me, “Yeah mine were the same. I’m so glad we decided to only take a few classes this semester until we get adjusted.”

She and I had both decided to go easy on the classes our first semester and squeezed by with the bare minimum to be considered full time students, unlike Logan, who had enough classes for two people.

“Anyway, have you seen some of these guys walking around here? I think I’m in love!”

I laughed at her boy craziness, but a certain tattooed guy popped into my head, “Yeah, I noticed a couple.”

She stopped dead in her tracks and spun to face me, “What? You noticed someone? I thought for sure you were a nun in hiding!”

I elbowed her in the ribs, “I am not a nun, there just hasn’t been anyone to catch my interest. We can’t all be as boy crazy as you are.”

“Whatever. So, who is this guy?”

I fidgeted a little and glanced at my shoes, which was a total mistake. Amber knew the shoe staring was my thing when I was trying to keep something from her.

“Don’t you dare look at your shoes woman! Spill!”

I sighed and looked up at her. Her eyes were practically glowing with excitement, waiting for me to spill my guts to her. “I don’t know his name or anything. He is just a guy who was sitting in the seat next to me this morning.”

She raised her eyebrows at me, “And what does this mystery guy look like?”

I glanced around, making sure that no one was around us before answering her, “He’s cute I guess. His hair is so dark it’s almost black, and he has these beautiful piercing eyes. Oh, and these really hot piercings in his lip and eyebrow. And he had some tattoos poking out of the bottom of the sleeve of his shirt, but I couldn’t tell what they were.”

Cute was the understatement of the year, but I wasn’t about to start gushing at his hotness in front of her, she really would combust from the excitement, so I kept it to the bare minimum.

As I spoke I saw her mouth dropping in slow motion. “You don’t like just any guy, you like a bad boy. Holy shit, I’m pretty sure Hell just froze over, my little Chloe crushing on the bad boy!”

She pretended to faint and I elbowed her again. “Shut up. I don’t like him, I just find him kind of attractive. What is this, middle school?”

She busted out laughing at me, “Touchy aren’t we? Sorry, I’ll stop bothering you about the tattooed, pierced, and kind of attractive bad boy.”

We started making our way across campus again and were nearly to the dorm before she spoke again. “So I know it’s a Monday and all, but some girl in my English class invited me to a party across campus at one of the sorority houses. Will you please come with me? I need my wing woman!”

“I really shouldn’t, I still have a couple boxes to unpack, but I’m sure your roommate would be glad to go with you.”

She looked at me with those big green eyes and her lower lip sticking out in a pout and I started feeling guilty. “Please Chloe? I saw Chad today and I really need a night out. We won’t even have to stay late, I promise!”

The Chad she was referring to was her ex-boyfriend she had been with since the summer before our senior year. He had seemed like a really good guy and I had truly liked him. That is, until she surprised him by stopping at his house one day unannounced and catching him in bed with Carrie Jenkins, head cheerleader and the biggest slut in town.

The weeks following had been brutal, Amber had never seen it coming, and neither had I for that matter. After countless nights of staying in her room all night with tubs of ice cream and enough tissues to keep Carrie’s bra stuffed for a year, I was finally able to coax her out of her house just before we moved into our dorms. I knew Chad was here on campus as well, but I had hoped that she wouldn’t have to see him, at least for a while.

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