Torn (Torn Series) Page 0,26


The lyrics were catchy and I instantly started swaying in my seat to the music. Drake could definitely control an audience, he had the women eating out of the palm of his hand with the smoky, sexy looks he was giving them. When the song ended, they all started screaming out his name. He grinned at them, signaling the guitar player to start the next song. Soon the drummer, a girl amazingly enough, started in, followed by the guy on bass.

This was a slower song, and as Drake started singing the lyrics, his face took on a thoughtful, almost helpless look. He closed his eyes as he sang, almost whispering on some of the lyrics. It was the most beautiful, heartfelt song I had ever heard. The second time he sang the chorus, I already knew the words by heart.

Hold me close,

I need to feel you there,

When the rest of the world’s gone,

All I need is you in my arms,

So hold me close,

Keep me safe,

I need to feel you there

I loved the song, and I loved watching Drake perform it. He was absolutely amazing, and I wanted to tell him so. As he finished the song and started back into another fast heavy song, I decided I would catch him after the show and let him know. The band played a few more songs before finishing up. They grabbed their instruments and jumped off stage as I pushed through the crowd to approach them.

He didn’t notice me at first, since he had more women than I could count gathered around him and the other guys. I saw the girl who played drums grin and roll her eyes as the bass player grabbed a girl and headed out the door, holding his guitar in one hand and her on the other. Drake had an arm around some blonde girl in a skirt shorter than my dress the night of the party when he glanced up and saw me. He untangled himself from her, whispering something in her ear as he continued to stare at me.

She pouted as she glanced up at me, but nodded and headed over to a table with her friends, throwing glares my way as she went.

He walked over to me with a huge grin on his face, “Hey! You made it!”

I smiled shyly up at him, “Yeah I was in the area and thought I’d stop by. You were amazing, even better than you were at the party, if that’s possible.”

He gave me one of those Earth shattering grins that made my knees weak.

“Thanks. I’m going to hang out here and have a couple beers, care to join me?”

“Uh, yeah sure, I can stay for a few.” My stomach was in knots as he took my hand and led me across the room to the table the girl drummer was sitting at.

Drake motioned to me, "Jade this is Chloe. Jade is the drummer in our band."

I smiled and nodded in her direction, "Yeah, I noticed you playing! You're really amazing!"

Jade gave me a quick once over, smiling as if she approved.

"Why thank you! I've been playing since I was ten. The drums have always been my thing."

She had the cutest southern accent when she talked, and I instantly liked her. She was a pretty girl, with warm brown eyes and dyed black hair that had red streaks running through it. It fell half way down her back in gentle waves. I had noticed earlier that she was tiny, probably three or four inches under my five foot, five inches, but she gave off an air of confidence that told me she was not someone to push around.

Drake stood up and headed to the bar. "I'll get us a couple beers, be right back."

I watched him walk to the bar, and noticed several other women staring at him as well. He reached the bar and the bartender, a woman of course, skipped over the people already standing there and went straight to Drake. She grabbed him three beers and handed them over the bar, leaning forward enough that he had a full shot down her low cut shirt. I rolled my eyes and turned back to Jade before I lost my Starbucks.

Jade seemed to notice my discomfort, and gave me a sympathetic smile but didn't say anything. I knew from the short time we had spent together that Drake tended to have lots of women around him all the time. That is, lots of willing women around. We Copyright 2016 - 2024