Torn (Torn Series) Page 0,25

manage to drag yourself out of bed in the mornings on time.”

“There is nothing wrong with my caffeine addiction, but since you’re being so rude, you can guarantee I won’t be bringing you a cup back.”

“Somehow I think I’ll survive.”

I chuckled to myself as I waved goodbye and made my way out the door to my car. Things had been less strained over the last few days with Logan and I was thankful to be getting back to normal with him. Both of us had been busy, but we still managed to at least text each other a few times throughout the day.

I started my car and headed across town to get my coffee fix. Lucky for me it was only a little way across town and before I knew it, I was pulling into their drive through and ordering my latte. The boy opened the window to take my money and I almost passed out from the coffee smell coming from inside. I would live here if only I could afford it! He handed me my coffee and I noticed a help wanted sign hanging in the window.

“Hey, can I have an application too please?”

He smiled and grabbed an application from under the counter. “Here you go, get it back as soon as you can, we’re desperate!”

I took the application and thanked him. I decided to pull over and fill out all the information in the parking lot. It was pure luck that I had a major Starbucks addiction and since I had worked at the one back in my hometown my senior year, I already knew how to make most of their drinks.

I got out of my car and headed toward the doors. As soon as I opened them, I was assaulted with the coffee smell again. Yeah, I could definitely stand working here. I marched over to the counter and handed my application to the woman standing behind the register. I noticed her nametag read Janet as she looked over it, noting I had already worked at a Starbucks.

“Can you start on Monday evening at five o’clock sharp? We need someone for the evening shift, and based off your schedule preferences it should be perfect.”

I almost jumped up and down. I had been contemplating getting a job and this one had all but fallen right into my lap.

“Sure, I’ll be here!”

She told me what I was expected to wear and I thanked her as I walked back out the door, all but skipping to my car. I guess my coffee addiction had finally paid off. I couldn’t wait to tell Logan.

I jumped back in my car and made my way toward the exit. Just as I started to pull out I noticed a bar across the road - Gold’s Pub, where Drake said his band played every Friday night. I glanced at my dashboard. It was almost nine o’clock so surely his band would be playing soon. I made a split second decision before pulling across the road and into the bar parking lot. The lot was packed and I had to hunt for a spot, finding one in the very back, next to a shiny black 1983 Mustang. I guess that answered my question about him already being here.

I grabbed my coffee and headed inside. Once the guy by the door, who looked like he was an escaped convict on the run, let me through without carding me, I managed to find an empty table in the back. Just as I sat down, I saw Drake and his fellow band members take the stage. My breath caught when I noticed him, he seemed to look sexier every time I saw him.

Glad to be hidden by the shadows in the back, I openly stared at him as they started into their first song. It was fast but heavy, and had me entranced at once. At the party they had covered other bands, but this wasn’t a song I knew, and being heavy into Rock music, I assumed it was one of their own. His voice was as amazing as I remembered it, and he knew it. He gave a cocky look out across the bar and to the women already standing by the stage. When he got to the chorus he belted the lyrics out, almost screaming.

Just follow me,

I’ll take you there,

Stand by me,

Have no fear,

When we’re together the world stands still,

Just follow me,

Stand by me,

I’ll make it worth your while,

Have no fear,

Just follow me,

I’ll take you Copyright 2016 - 2024