Torn (Torn Series) Page 0,17

next to me as Amber and Drake sat down in the front. Drake started the car and we were off. The ride to the club was uncomfortably silent and I was glad when we arrived.

As soon as Drake parked, I jumped out as Logan came around behind me and put his arm around my shoulder. Drake glanced at us and shook his head as he led the way to the club entrance. Luck was actually with us for once, there wasn’t a line and we were quickly let in. The other three had fake I.D.’s so I was the only one who had to have their hand stamped with “Under 21”.

I sighed heavily as the bouncer let us pass by and Logan looked down at me grinning.


“Nothing, I wasn’t planning on getting drunk, but a drink would have been nice since I’m not driving.”

“Maybe if you’re good, I’ll slip you a shot or two.”

I grinned up at him as he took my hand and started weaving through the crowd on the dance floor to one of the few unoccupied booths in the back.

“Have I told you you’re the best lately? Because just so you know, you are.”

He smacked me on the butt as I slid into the booth beside him. “You have, but it’s always nice to know I’m appreciated.”

Drake sat down across from me and Amber slid in next to him as Logan stood and motioned toward the bar, “I’ll buy the first round, I know what you want Amber, and Chloe you’ll just have to share mine,” he glanced at Drake, “What do you want?”

“Just get a Jack and Coke.”

Logan nodded as he turned and disappeared into the crowd of swaying bodies. I turned to Amber as one of my favorite Lady Gaga songs started playing. “Come on hooker, let’s dance!”

I stood and grabbed Amber’s hand, leading her into the center of the chaos. I released her once we reached the floor and started swaying to the beat of the music. My hips moved as I raised my hand above my body, my head falling back as I let the music take over. Amber grabbed me and pulled me to her as she put her leg between mine. We moved in perfect synchrony, as only two people who had danced together for years could. We stayed like that for a few minutes before separating, each moving to the rhythm.

I felt someone come up behind and pull me close. I turned to see an attractive guy smiling down at me as he moved with me. Suddenly he was jerked away from me roughly, his eyes going wide with shock.

Logan stood behind him, looking extremely pissed off. “Back the fuck off asshole, she’s with me!”

The guy glanced at me before throwing his hands up in surrender as he walked away from us, “Sorry bro, my bad.”

I sighed as Logan grabbed me by the arm and pulled me off the dance floor and back to the table. Drake was sitting by himself watching us closely as we approached.

I threw myself in the booth and turned to glare at Logan, “Care to explain what that was all about?”

“That guy was all over you! I was just trying to help!”

“He was not all over me, we were just dancing Logan! He was barely touching me! I don’t know what the problem is, but you need to get over it!”

“I don’t have a problem, but I’m not about to watch some guy hang all over you! He was watching you and Amber before that, and as soon as you broke apart he went after you. But by all means, if that’s the type of guy you want then go for it! When they use you and throw you away don’t come crying to me!”

He stomped away before I could yell at him again. I watched him disappear into the crowd with my mouth hanging open. He had always been protective of me, but since coming to college it had already gotten out of hand after only a few days. I was going to have to sit down with him and have a serious conversation. He was not my brother or my protector, he was my best friend and I needed to set boundaries.

I glanced around the table and noticed Drake staring at me. “What?”

“Now do you believe me?”

“What are you talking about?”

“What I said earlier, Logan has some major feelings for you, you’d have to be blind to not see it after that little Copyright 2016 - 2024