Torn (Torn Series) Page 0,16

been with them since I was sixteen. I’ve lived here in Morgantown with my uncle since I was ten. My mom and dad died in a car wreck so he took me in.”

I didn’t know what to say to that so I just nodded.

“It’s ok, you don’t have to freak out or anything, it was a long time ago and I’m over it.”

“Yeah, well I really don’t know what to say to that besides I’m sorry.”

“Nothing to be sorry for unless you were the drunk driver that hit them. Anyway, are you from around here?”

“No, I grew up in Charleston. My mom and I have a complicated relationship, so by the time I was fourteen I had pretty much moved in with Amber and her parents, they took me in like I was their own. Everyone talks about what a great school WVU is, and since Amber and Logan both applied here so I did too. So here I am. Yay Mountaineers.”

I waved my imaginary pompoms and he laughed, “Nice.”

We sat in silence for a few minutes until I looked at the clock.

“Wow, I’d better get going, my class is a fifteen minute walk from here.” I stood and grabbed my bag as Drake sat up and slipped his shoes on.

He walked past me and out the door before turning and grinning, “At least some good came out of you losing your phone.”

I looked at him confused, “What?”

He held his own phone up as he turned to walk away, “I’ve got your number now.”

Chapter Four

Drunk Men Talk Too Much

I was slipping on my favorite pair of skinny jeans as a knock came on the door. Assuming it was Logan or Amber I yelled for them to come in as I buttoned my pants and grabbed a fire engine red halter top out of the closet, a gift from Amber. I turned to greet them and screamed. Drake was standing in my door with a drop your panties grin stretching across his face.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” I yelled as I clutched my top to my chest.

His eyes dropped to my covered chest before coming back up to my face. “I figured I’d just meet you here since Amber and Logan are. I have to say, if this is how you greet me every time, I might just drop by more often.”

“Oh shut up and turn around so I can put my shirt on!”

He kept the smile on his face as he turned around. I quickly threw the shirt on and adjusted it, making sure everything was covered.

“Alright, you can turn back around.”

He turned and sat down in the chair next to him as I dug through my massive pile of shoes until I found the ones I was looking for.

“Next time you knock, let me know it’s you.”

“Would you still greet me like that?”

“No way, hence the reason for telling me it’s you.”

He shook his head, “Not a chance then.”

I sighed as another knock came on my door. Feeling a little bit cautious after what had just happened, I walked over and opened it. Amber and Logan were standing there, and Amber pushed through. “Alright woman, where are those heels I want to…” she stopped midsentence as she caught sight of Drake, “Well hello hot stuff, what are you doing here?”

Logan walked in behind her and glared at the sight of Drake sitting so relaxed in my room. “That’s what I’d like to know.”

“Hey Amber, and Logan right? I was just sitting here while Chloe gave me a strip tease.”

My eyes darted to Logan and saw his face turn a light shade of pink at Drake’s words. “Shut up. He’s kidding, he just showed up a minute ago so we could all go to the club together.”

Logan was still glaring at Drake, but his face had lost the pink hue. I quickly grabbed the heels Amber wanted and threw them at her, trying to hurry before Logan ripped into Drake.

“Here Amber, let’s go!” I grabbed my key and some cash and stuffed them in the pocket of my jeans before walking to the door. Everyone stepped outside, Amber hopping on one foot as she put her shoes on.

“Slow down woman! Where the hell is the fire?”

I ignored her as I locked up and we made our way outside. Drake’s car was sitting by the curb and he motioned us to it.

“I figured we could all ride together.”

I walked past him and slid into the backseat, Logan sitting down Copyright 2016 - 2024