Torn (Torn Series) Page 0,15

call it for you, I have to ask someone do this for me all the time. I lose my phone more than I use it.”

I recited the number to him and stood still, straining my ears to listen for it as he dialed. After a few seconds I heard Bury Me With My Guns On, my unknown ringtone, coming from the bed but it was muffled. I dropped down to my hands and knees, searching under my bed, but it didn’t sound like it was under there.

I stood back up as the ringing stopped. “Dial it again, it’s here next to the bed but I can’t find it.”

He redialed and the muffled ringing started again. I crouched down next to the bed and realized the sound was coming from underneath him.

“Hey dumbass move, I think you’re on it.”

He looked over at me and grinned, “Make me.”

I grunted as I started trying to shove him off the bed. As soon as I touched him I felt tingles running up my arm, but I ignored them. He refused to move, so I shoved on his hips harder as he laughed at my pitiful attempts.

“Is that all you’ve got? What a wimp.”

At his words I started pushing him even harder, but my hands slipped from his hip and I tumbled down onto him. My breath was sucked out of me as I landed on top of him and I felt those tingles everywhere my body pressed against his. I tried to shove away from him, but he grabbed my arms and pulled me up so I was fully on top of him, chest to chest, stomach to stomach, hips to hips. He was hard everywhere I touched and I felt my cheeks turning red as I looked at him.

His eyes had darkened until they were black with hunger as he stared at me, and a smirk appeared on his lips, “You know baby, if you wanted to get on top of me all you had to do was ask.”

He released my arms, but I was frozen, staring into those beautiful eyes. I glanced down at this mouth, if I moved an inch I would be kissing him. I shook my head to clear my crazy thoughts and pushed myself off of him before I did something incredibly stupid.

“Whatever jackass, you made me fall so don’t try to blame me.”

He gave me an easy smile, but I could still see the hunger in his eyes, “You’re right, I just wanted an excuse to get you on top of me. It worked though, didn’t it?”

I ignored his comment and started trying to shove him again. “Will you please move so I can get my phone?”

He rolled to his side so I could check the bed, and sure enough my phone was sitting right below the pillow. I snatched it up and unlocked it. I had a couple texts from Logan asking how my morning was going, and one from Amber.

Amber: Don’t think I didn’t hear that boy say he gave you a ride home. I want details when we’re alone. Xoxo

Me: He’s here now, I’ll fill you in later.

I sent Logan a text asking him to go to the club tonight and he replied almost instantly.

Logan: Yeah, that’s fine with me. I’ll come to your room after I finish class. Wear something hot!

Me: You’re hilarious… I’ll see you then.

I glanced up at Drake and saw him watching me, “He said it’s fine.”

Drake nodded as he rolled back onto his back, “Alright, guess we’re going clubbing tonight. You have a fake I.D.?”

I shook my head, “No, but I wasn’t planning on drinking anyway.”

There was no way I was getting drunk with Drake around me, plus Logan would drive me crazy trying to watch out for me if I did. I did not need another embarrassing moment like the night before. I stood there awkwardly as Drake watched me from the bed.

“Well, I guess I’ll see you later tonight then, I’ve got your number so I can text you when we leave. You can meet us there,” I hinted for him to leave, but he stayed where he was.

“Are you trying to get rid of me?”

“No not at all, I just figured you had better things to do than hang out on my bed.”

He grinned at me, “Nowhere else I’d rather be.”

“So how long have you been in your band?” I asked to change the subject as I moved across the room to sit on Rachel’s bed.

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