Torn (Torn Series) Page 0,14

and sister. The day they get together I’ll give you my favorite pair of Chucks.”

“Whatever you say, you know them better than anyone. So am I invited to this club tonight or are you two going to completely ignore me like you have been for the past five minutes? Mention shoes and you’re gone.”

“Rule number one, never get between a woman and her shoes, and yes you can come keep Chloe company tonight, I’m sure she doesn’t mind.”

My cheeks flamed at her words, “Listen, I’ve got to go get my phone, but you’re welcome to come with us if you want.”

I stood and started to grab my bag from the chair, but he got to it first and threw it over his shoulder.

“I don’t have class until later, I’ll walk with you.”

I nodded as I quickly turned away from him, trying to hide my grin. He was seriously carrying my bag for me and he was going to walk to my room with me. Where we would be alone. With my bed. My stomach twisted from the nerves, but I quickly pushed it aside as we left the cafeteria and made our way toward my dorm. He was just being friendly, and from the way that blonde Crissy had hung all over him, he had much better options than me. Why would he ever go for plain Jane me when he had those kind of options?

We walked beside each other in silence for a few minutes before Drake spoke. “So do you like to go to clubs and parties or does Amber force you?”

“She usually has to force me to go, but once I’m there I have fun. I mean, I like to party and dance, I just don’t like being in crowds, especially with a bunch of super drunk people.”

He nodded his head in agreement, “I can understand that. This might sound stupid since I’m in a band and all, but I hate crowds too. But without crowds there would be no reason to perform. Plus, with crowds come groupies, and you’ve got to love the groupies.”

He shot me a sly smile and I nodded, “Exactly, I mean how could you be a man whore with no groupies?”

“Hey now, I’m not that bad. It’s not my fault they show up in next to nothing and flock to me. I mean, look at me, can you blame them?”

I rolled my eyes, “You really are full of yourself aren’t you?”

“Always. You know, the groupies are great and all, but they aren’t the ones that really catch my attention.”

I glanced up at him and noticed the serious expression on his face. “Oh really, and what kind of girl really catches your attention?”

We had made it to my building by this time and he was standing in the doorway, blocking my entrance. The serious look was still on his face as he stared at me.

“The ones who don’t try, who don’t fall all over themselves with me, and aren’t impressed because I’m in a band. But they also have to have a sense of humor, and give me attitude right back when I give it to them,” he cleared his throat, “Of course they have to be smoking hot as well, or the rest is just a waste.”

I laughed as I pushed him aside to open the door and make my way up the stairs to my floor, “Wow, you were really starting to sound deep there, glad you redeemed yourself at the last minute.”

I pulled my key out as we reached my door and unlocked it. Stepping inside the door, I took my bag from him and threw it and my key on the chair next to the door as I started searching the desk for my phone.

Drake walked in behind me and went straight to my bed, flopping down on it like he owned the place.

I glanced back and raised an eyebrow at him, “Don’t just stand there, please make yourself at home.”

He grinned at me as he kicked his shoes off and put his arms behind his head, “Thanks, I think I will.”

I turned back to the desk and continued my search. Unfortunately my phone was nowhere to be seen, so I moved to my bedside table and started moving papers and other junk out of the way before opening the drawer. My phone wasn’t there either and I groaned.

“I have no idea where I put the damn thing.”

He pulled his phone out of his pocket. “What’s your number? I’ll Copyright 2016 - 2024