Torn (Torn Series) Page 0,13

to hide her smile. I was so busted and I knew she’d be pumping me for information as soon as we were alone.

She turned her gaze to Drake, “Yeah I was. Why do you ask?”

“I just wondered if you heard us playing, Chloe here seems to think we were the most amazing band she has ever heard.”

I snorted, “Please, I said you were good, but I’ve heard better,” I turned back to Amber, “Please don’t encourage him, I don’t think I can handle it if his ego gets any bigger.”

Drake smirked before putting on a hurt face, “Is that what you really think Chloe? I’m deeply hurt, I thought we had something special.”

Amber and I giggled as Blondie leaned in closer to him and ran her hand down his chest. “I’m sure I can think of something to make you feel better.”

Drake pushed her hand away and glanced over at me. “Not now Chrissy, why don’t you run along, I’ll find you later.”

She pouted as she stood up.

“Fine Drake, be that way, but you know where to find me,” she said as she leaned down and kissed him deeply on the lips, staying attached far longer than necessary in my opinion.

I felt my stomach tighten and I had to look away from them before I did something stupid. She finally pulled away, smirking at Amber and me before stalking away swinging her hips extra hard. Unable to contain myself, I glared daggers at her until she was out of sight. I glanced around the table to Drake and Amber once she was out of sight, and both of them were staring at me.


Amber coughed as she tried to cover a laugh, “Nothing sunshine, not a thing. Anyway Drake, I had no idea that was you playing last night. You guys sound insane, I loved it.”

I nibbled on my chips as they talked about the band, stealing glances at Drake when he wasn’t paying attention.

“So how did you guys meet anyway?” Amber asked, turning her attention to me.

I wasn’t planning to tell her about the incident after the party while Drake was around so I shrugged, “I had to sit by him in my morning class yesterday, and the one today. I was desperate for human interaction so I ended up stuck with him.”

Drake grinned at me, “She’s lying. I saved her ass last night, literally. So she was groveling at my feet this morning.”

Amber glanced between us, “What happened last night?”

I was going to kill Drake for telling her.

“Well, I was walking home from the party last night and the heel of my shoe got caught and broke. Due to my natural grace, I fell down and Drake helped me up and gave me a ride home.”

“Wait a minute! You broke my shoe? Just when were you planning on telling me about that?”

I couldn’t help but laugh at her missing the part about Drake giving me a ride home and skipping right to her damaged shoes.

“Sorry Amber, I’ll buy you a new pair.”

“You better! Until then, I’ll just borrow those awesome black pumps you have. Actually, I was planning on dragging you to that club down on 5 street tonight, I’ll wear them then.”

“I can’t go tonight, I’m hanging out with Logan after he gets out of class.”

“Oh, come on! You can hang out with Logan anytime, come with me tonight, we can get our dance on! Pretty please?” Amber stuck her bottom lip out at me and gave me her best puppy dog eyes.

“I don’t know Amber, I already promised him. I guess I could check and see if he wanted to come too, let me text him and see.”

I reached for my bag and started digging through the contents trying to find my phone. After a few minutes and a few muttered curse words from being stabbed by random objects, I pulled my hand out defeated.

“I must have forgotten my phone in my room. I’ve got some time before my next class, I’ll run and get it.”

Amber clapped her hands and threw her arms around me, “Thank you! I know he’ll say yes, he can’t deny you anything.”

Drake coughed and we both looked up to see him watching us with an amused look on his face. “He can’t deny her anything? He sounds more like a whipped boyfriend than a best friend.”

Amber looked at him like he had grown a second head, “Logan and Chloe? Have you lost your ever loving mind? They might as well be brother Copyright 2016 - 2024