Torn (Torn Series) Page 0,10

walked in a couple minutes ago. Amber met some guy and stayed though, so go call and yell at her.”

He stayed silent for a moment and I thought he really was going to call her, but his next words surprised me.

“You mean you walked back by yourself this late at night?”

His voice was lined with anger and I bit my lip. Telling him Drake had brought me back would probably make him angrier than the thought of me walking home by myself. I decided to be honest, in case I slipped up later.

“Actually I got a ride with someone,” I waited silently on the blow up that my words would surely bring.

“And who was this someone?”

“You remember that guy who was sitting beside me this morning in class?”

He groaned into the phone, “You got a ride from some guy you don’t even know? Why didn’t you just call me Chloe?”

I felt slightly guilty at the concern in his voice. I had debated on calling him, but the need to be alone with Drake had won out.

“It’s not like that. I was walking home, but my heel broke on my shoe and he was there, so he offered me a ride. It was fine Logan, honest. He just drove me back here and dropped me off. He didn’t try anything with me.”

I heard him muttering curses under his breath. “Well it could have ended a lot worse. Next time you need a ride, you call me, understand?”

Sensing the anger fading to worry in his voice, I smiled, “Of course I will.”

“You better Chloe, I don’t know what I’d do if someone hurt you. You’re important to me, you know that right?”

My heart swelled at his words. “Yes, I know. And you’re important to me too. You’re like the brother I never had.”

Expecting some kind of remark about me being an annoying little sister, I was surprised by the silence on the other end of the line.

“Logan, are you still there?”

“Yeah, I’m here, but I’ve got to go. I’ll talk to you tomorrow, ok?”

“Um, yeah I’ll see you tomorrow. Night.”

I plugged my phone in to charge, wondering what on Earth went on inside Logan’s head sometimes.

Chapter Three

I’ve Got Your Number

I somehow managed to wake up on time the following morning. It might have had something to do with the fact I was hoping to see Drake somewhere on campus during the day. With that in mind, I took extra care getting dressed and even applied a small amount of make-up. I grabbed my bag and stepped outside my door just as Logan came out of the stairwell.

He took one look at me and grabbed his chest. “Oh my God, it’s a miracle! She’s on time! I think I’m having a heart attack from the shock of it all!”

I made my way past him and into the stairwell.

“Don’t get used to it, you’re still my alarm clock. Today was just a fluke.”

He laughed as we stepped out of the stairwell and threw his arm over my shoulders. “Oh Chloe, don’t worry. I know this won’t happen again anytime soon. Besides, if it did, my heart couldn’t take it.”

I tried to elbow him, but he moved out of reach. “Shut up asshole and walk me to class.”

He laughed again and wrapped his arm back around me., “Bossy little thing this morning aren’t we?”

I ignored his comment as we made our way to my building. His class was a few buildings down from mine, so he had decided to take it upon himself to make sure I made it to class. When we stopped outside of my class to say goodbye, he surprised me by kissing me on the cheek.

“What was that for?” I asked as he pulled away.

He glanced over my shoulder into the class and then back to me, “Just didn’t want any guys getting any ideas about you while we’re apart.”

I smiled at his overprotectiveness., “Gee, thanks. Now if you’ll excuse me Mr. Overprotective, I need to head inside. I’ll meet up with you later this evening, ok?”

He smiled down at me and nodded, “My last class lets out at six o’clock, so I’ll drop by your room after that and we can grab something to eat.”

I waved as I made my way into the classroom. Scanning around for a seat, I noticed Drake sitting in the back corner grinning at me. My heart stopped as he pointed to the chair next to him. With my heart hammering in my ears, I Copyright 2016 - 2024