TORMENTED_ Jani Kay - Jani Kay Page 0,8

tilted my face upward for a kiss, but Harrison pulled me up from my chair and pressed me against his chest, then kissed the fuck out of me in front of everyone. I closed my eyes as heat spread from between my legs up to my chest and higher till it reached my cheeks. I wouldn’t be surprised if I was the envy of every woman in the room.

“Hello, gorgeous.” His voice was warm and sexy, a lethal combination.

Harrison sat down and waved the waitress over. Not that he needed to, because she was hovering just a few yards away, her mouth open as she gawked at us. He ordered a salad wrap and green vegetable juice, as if he were completely at home and the furthest thing from an omnivore.

“Wearing a uniform today, big brother? You haven’t worn one of those since you were promoted. You said you hated wearing it—”

A sheepish grin spread over Harrison’s face. “Wearing a uniform is optional. I just wanted to see if mine still fit me.”

Jade laughed, holding her belly as her body shook. “Is that right? I think it’s so that you can see women swooning over you.”

Harrison chuckled. “Is it working?” He looked directly at me, waiting for my answer.

“Hmmm. I think most of these women wouldn’t mind if you arrested them.”

Covering my hand with his, Harrison smiled. “I’m not asking about the other women. I want to know if it’s working for you.”

Suddenly it was hot in the room, so I took a sip of my smoothie to buy time. Thankfully, the waitress saved me from embarrassing myself by bringing our food to the table. I couldn’t help noticing how she practically had her breasts in Harrison’s face, and Jade and I made big eyes at one another. I stifled a giggle.

“You should wear your uniform more often. The girls like it,” I said, avoiding his question. If I had to be honest with him, the best part of him wearing a uniform would be that I’d get to take it off, but I wasn’t going to tell him that.

We made small talk as we ate. It was enlightening to see the relationship between Jade and Harrison when Ryder wasn’t around to piss the cop off. It was clear to me that he loved his sister very much and had always been her protector from the stories they shared. I’d never realized just how close they had been as children.

While we waited for our coffee and dessert, Jade pushed to her feet. “The pressure on my bladder is terrible today. I need to go pee again.” Harrison pulled her chair back, and we both watched as she disappeared into the ladies bathroom.

“I hope this pregnancy goes smoothly.” Harrison’s face was serious, and he wore a small frown between his brows. Just like that, his mood had flipped. “I couldn’t bear if something happened to her again. This time I’m going to be a better brother.”

Silence fell between us before he turned to me and grabbed hold of my hand, catching me off guard with the sadness clear on his face and in his eyes. “Will you help me, Eva?”

His plea was simple yet so genuine that my heart squeezed as it ached for him. How could I refuse such a heartfelt request?

“You have to help yourself first.”

He looked at me with a perplexed expression. “How?”

Twisting a lock of hair between my fingers, I thought for a long moment before I answered. This wasn’t easy, and I wasn’t really sure exactly how I could help. I pulled my hand form under his and laced my fingers together on my lap.

“I always wished for siblings. It’s tough being an only child with two parents who worked as hard as mine did. It hit me especially hard when my mother died.” I paused, thinking about my losses. My heart still ached whenever I let my mind wander to my past. “You and Jade are lucky to have one another, and I was lucky to gain a new brother, even though it didn’t happen during my childhood, when having a brother would have been amazing.”

“I know I don’t always show it, but family is the most important thing to me. But when my darkness overwhelms me, I become a little crazy. I don’t know if I’ll ever forgive myself for what happened to Jade’s baby.”

I let out a long, slow breath before I spoke. “It was Ryder’s baby, too. I will help you, but Copyright 2016 - 2024