TORMENTED_ Jani Kay - Jani Kay Page 0,77

air she did.

I was never letting her out of my sight again.

Chapter 43 — Eva

“So since I technically owe you my life, does that mean you own me? Am I yours to do with as you please?” I pulled away slightly so I could see Harrison’s handsome face.

“I could say yes and force you to be my slave.”

“I know. But . . .?”

“Why do you assume there is a but?”

I shrugged. “Because there always is.” My breathing quickened as I waited for his answer.

“Okay, you win,” he conceded with a laugh. “I wanted to say . . . but only if you want to.”


“Meaning that I don’t want to own you.”

I swallowed hard. “You don’t?”

“No.” His finger traced slowly down the side of my face and along my jawline. “What I’d much rather have is you submitting to me because you want to. Willingly giving yourself to me. There’s a difference between me being your master because I force you to and being your master because you trust me enough to give me the control I crave.”

The corners of my mouth twitched. “Ah, so you are admitting that you crave control?”

“It’s in my DNA, baby. But when it comes to you, I not only crave it, I hanker after it with my entire heart and soul.”

“Wow, that’s intense.”

He laughed. “Have you ever known me to be anything else?”

I thought about it for a moment before I shook my head. “No, you are a very passionate man in whatever you do. Nobody can accuse you of indifference. You have such strong convictions and emotions. It just exhausts me sometimes, trying to understand you.”

“There is nothing I’m more passionate about than you, Eva. Not for one second does anything come even close to how I feel about you.”

“Tell me more. I love when you’re an open book and I don’t have to try guessing what’s going on in your head.”

“I’m changing that. You’re going to get sick of me showing you how much you mean to me.”

“Just showing?” I needed more. I wanted the words too.

“You mean my cock showing you how much he loves you isn’t enough?”

“Well, that only accounts for one of your brains. I’m wondering what goes on in here.” I kissed his forehead and then the tattoo above his heart through his shirt. “And here.”

“It should be pretty obvious, but since you can’t see how besotted I am by you, guess I’m going to have to fix that.”


“Oh yeah.”

“I can’t wait to see how.”

“There is only one way in my mind, but you already said no fucking. So I guess I’m going to have to rely on words, baby.”

My heart nearly stopped. This was what I’d been waiting for.

His hand cupped the back of my head and he stared into my eyes. For a few moments, we were completely lost in one another. Nothing else existed nor mattered. It was only us, the world fading into the background.

The intensity of his eyes burned into my soul. “I love you, Eva, so much it hurts. I’ve tried to stay away, but I am only a man, and I need your love to heal me. You make me whole, and you make my life worth living. When I’m with you, I can relax and just be myself. You are the light that brings love into the furthest corners of my dark and damaged soul. You make me want to breathe, baby, because I love you.”

Those were the most beautiful words I’d ever heard. I knew what it took for Harrison to say them with such genuine conviction.

It was true. Harrison loves me.

Reaching up and placing a palm on each cheek to frame his face, I blinked a few times to clear the watery film over my eyes. “I love you, Harrison. So, so, so much. I need you as much as you need me. Together we are two parts of a whole. If you are darkness and I am light, it means we are perfect for one another and together we are invincible.”

His forehead was back against mine. Taking a few deep breaths, he said in a shaky voice, “I don’t deserve you, but by God I’m going to change that and become worthy. Thank you for loving me. I can’t begin to tell you what it means to hear you say those words.”

“Well, I thought all you wanted from me was my submission and my body.”

“I want so much more, baby. So much more.”

His lips covered mine and he Copyright 2016 - 2024