TORMENTED_ Jani Kay - Jani Kay Page 0,71

photographers were having a field day. Flashes lit up the early dusk as they captured the action on their cameras. Lord help us when this got to the newsrooms around the world. This was an even bigger scoop than the senator’s wedding day.

“Are you okay, Sis?” Ryder’s voice was filled with concern as he looked down at my face.

“Yeah, but I don’t understand—”

I couldn’t help a small twinge of disappointment that it wasn’t Harrison’s arms I was in at that moment. Not that I was ungrateful to be anywhere other than under that arch with Nolan.

Looking back I saw Harrison grab Nolan’s wrists and secure them with handcuffs. There was a lot of yelling, but I couldn’t make out what they were saying to one another.

“You’re safe now. Harrison pieced it all together after Jade became suspicious. Fuck, I’m so happy you’re okay and that we got here in time.”

“God, yes. I was waiting for the ground to swallow me, thinking I was screwed forever.” A small hollow and somewhat hysterical sound burst from my lips. “I can’t believe you guys came for me. I’d prayed so damn hard but I never thought anyone was listening.”

Carrying me up a set of stairs toward the entrance of the building, Ryder said, “Somebody was, and now we’re here to fix this mess.”

“I still can’t believe you found me. I don’t even know where we are.”

Ryder smirked. “On a small island of Hawaii, one of the more private ones that rich people can rent exclusively.”

“Oh, that makes it even more incredible that you found me.”

“Yeah, it’s all thanks to Summers and his partner. They planned the whole operation and gave us each a role in the rescue. We could use someone with skills like that in the club.”

I couldn’t believe my ears or that I’d ever hear Ryder say something like that about Harrison. The fact that both men abandoned their pride and worked together to save me was incredulous enough.

I had no idea what to make of it until I’d processed the whole situation and heard his side of the story. I still didn’t get how Ryder and Harrison got together, never mind find and rescue me.

“Harrison wants the senator all to himself. I pity the bastard because it’s not going to be pretty.”

I sighed heavily. “There is no love lost between the two of them. Harrison looks as if he wants to kill Nolan.”

Ryder chuckled softly. “There’s more to it than the obvious. Jade thinks her brother is head over heels for you. Summers wants to cut Parker by the balls and watch him bleed to death.”

“What? Seriously?”

“Yeah, he wants revenge on the motherfucker more than—”

“No, no, I mean the part you said about Harrison being head over heels for me. What does that mean in man speak?”

“That, Sis, means what you think it means.”

“What kind of answer is that?” I huffed.

Double doors opened automatically as we approached, and Ryder stepped inside the plush reception area of the resort. The cool air-conditioned room was a sharp contrast to the balmy evening outside. Crystal glasses and bottles of champagne in silver ice buckets were spread around the room on elegant tables laden with flowers.

“Look, I’m not getting in the middle of this. But let me just tell you that the man is ready to kill for you. And if you know men, you’ll know that says a lot. Especially about how he feels over you.”

At a loss for words, something that didn’t often happen to me, I just stared at Ryder. He gave me a lopsided grin and placed me on my feet. I looked around and noticed how eerily void the room was of people. It was just as well, because my dress was ruined—not that I really cared, but I really didn’t want a picture of me splashed on the covers of the tabloids in this state. No doubt they had a different angle on their stories now, but still.

“I think Jade is wrong. Bless her kind heart, but she has her facts mixed up. Harrison disappeared without a word. Avoiding me and not answering my calls.” I hated the whiny tone to my voice, but I was still pissed and hurt by his behavior.

Ryder appraised me for a minute, raking a hand over his face.

“You probably already know this already, but men are simple creatures. Ask Jade. All we want to do is take care of our special woman, make sure she is happy and safe and provided for. Copyright 2016 - 2024