TORMENTED_ Jani Kay - Jani Kay Page 0,53

from this godforsaken mission.

Senator Nolan Parker was privy to my death wish—it was common knowledge that Harrison Summers was fearless and the only man for a deadly assignment where death stakes were impossibly high. Only he’d never bargained on it changing.

Since the incident and losing Amy and my child, there had been no reason for me to stay alive.

Eva had changed everything.

I had a reason, and I wanted to live.

I needed to see her again and know she was safe and happy.

This was not the time for dying.

Chapter 31 — Eva

Since my phone lay smashed on the floor of my apartment, there wasn’t any way I could reach anyone or know what day or time it was. I had no idea of how long it had been since he came to my apartment and I’d been kidnapped. It all just seemed to blur together into one long fucking nightmare.

I had no hope of escaping because even though I was no longer tied down, Nolan made sure I stayed in a semi-conscious state with whatever he was feeding into my veins.

What would happen if I screamed for help? Then I remembered that Jones was most likely outside my door. The devil himself. That man didn’t have a single grain of humanity in him. He wouldn’t care what happened to me—if I lived or died.

As far as I was aware, Nolan only left the room for short periods of time. When he closed the door behind him I’d give up the battle to stay awake and allow myself to slip into dreamless sleep. Every time I woke again, he’d be lying on the bed beside me, running his hands over my body, touching me as if he owned me and I was a prized possession.

Pleading with him to stop had only aroused him more, spurring him on to touch me in intimate places. It took a few attempts of trying to ward him off to realize that he liked it when I put up a fight, so I decided to act counter intuitively and just lie there, even though every fiber in my body screamed against it.

With no reaction from me, he’d give up with a sigh and roll over, but if I even twitched, he’d turn back to me and start touching my body again.

Like now.

I wanted to cry. I’d been as still as possible, every muscle in my body aching as I yearned to move my position until I couldn’t stand it any longer and slowly turned my head to the side to check if he’d fallen asleep.

“Stop resisting, darling.” Laced with alcohol, his warm breath puffed in my face, and I couldn’t suppress the urge to shudder as his hand at the back of my neck pulled my face closer to him. “I know you like it.”

Wrong. So fucking wrong.

I pressed my lips tightly together as his mouth covered mine, even though I was certain it would anger him.

Stop. Please stop.

Breathing hard, he pulled back and fell against the pillows with a huff.

Thank God, somebody was listening to my silent pleas.

Letting out a sigh of relief, I sucked a deep breath in to calm my racing heart. Nolan and alcohol were never a good combination. It stripped him of all his charm and charisma and turned him into a man I resented even more than when he was sober.

How could I ever have thought I loved him? It sounded ludicrous that I’d entertained the idea of spending the rest of my life with him. The blinkers had truly fallen from my eyes and now I saw him for what he was: a man who wanted his own way, regardless of the cost.

The weight of the bed shifted again. Nolan was between my legs, pulling my panties down.

“No. Don’t.” Fear pushed up into my throat so that I could hardly get the words out.

“I’m sick of this shit. I’m taking what I want. My cock wants inside you, and today it’s getting its way.”

“Nolan. I beg you, don’t do this.” Tears ran from the outer corners of my eyes into my hair. He tossed my panties over his shoulder, an evil sparkle in his eyes as he licked over his lips.

“I love when you beg, darling.” His snarl reminded me of a rabid dog eager to sink its teeth into its prey.

I’m his goddamn prey.

Leaning forward, he grabbed hold of my left wrist and tied it to the bed with the straps that still dangled there from before.

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