TORMENTED_ Jani Kay - Jani Kay Page 0,3


“Really?” She peered at me from under her long lashes. “That wasn’t enough?”

“Not by a long shot, baby. That was only the warm-up.”

“Jesus, Harrison, seems like you want to fuck me into an early grave. I’ve hardly got my breath back and you’re talking about more—”

I laughed at the shocked expression on her face. She’d have to toughen up if I was going to put her through a few paces tonight. “Only if we die fucking. Wouldn’t that be a great way to go?”

She shot me an exasperated look. “You’re insatiable. A beast.”

Grabbing hold of both her hands, I squeezed them, gazing into her eyes. She was right. When it came to her, I couldn’t get enough. Fuck, if I could, I'd crawl under her skin and stay there. The truth—I didn’t want to let her go.

“Yes. I'm a monster. You should run, Eva.”

For a long moment she just stared back, her eyes searching mine. Her voice was calm and even when she spoke. “I’m not going anywhere, Harrison.”

I swallowed the sudden lump in my throat. What is she talking about? She should run a fucking mile before my darkness consumes her.

She reached up and cupped my cheek with her palm. “Nothing you do or say frightens me. Just so you know.” She leaned forward and planted the softest kiss on my lips, taking me by surprise with her tenderness.

Eva was fucking with my mind. The more I got to know her, the more she confused me.

I cleared my throat and got out of the SUV, rounding it to open her door. I needed to shake this . . . feeling . . . whatever the fuck it was . . . I got when I was around her. If I stuck to sex only, I’d be fine.

Feelings—I wasn’t going there. All I knew for certain was that she was mine for fucking. That was enough for me. Maybe I was addicted to her pussy, but that was all.

I helped her out, my hand possessively resting on the small of her back as we walked toward the elevator.

“Good evening,” I said to the couple who stood waiting for the elevator to arrive, swearing under my breath that I couldn’t at least claim Eva’s lips on the ride up to take my mind off the uneasiness that had settled in my gut.

Smiling, the stranger replied, “Yes, it's a good evening indeed.”

The grey-haired man let his gaze wander over Eva’s body, lingering on her tits for longer than was appropriate. I scowled as Eva smiled sweetly at him, then at his wife, unaware of the turmoil in my gut at the thought of another man ogling her. As soon as the elevator arrived and the doors opened, the woman grabbed her husband’s arm and pulled him into the elevator car, jabbing him in the ribs. The smile slid off his face as they stood in the middle of the small space, their gazes directed at the numbers above the doors. Served the prick right. He had no business staring at my woman.

We rode up the elevator, Eva and I each standing in a corner, our eyes locked, salacious grins lighting up our faces. The thought that she was naked under her skirt made my heart pound against my chest. It was so fucking sexy.

Fucking Eva had become my favorite thing to do. I couldn’t get enough of her. Everything else was just filler material for my day. Even work didn’t have its stronghold on me the way it used to. I just wanted to be with her. Every minute of every day.

Eva messed with my mind in a way I was unaccustomed to. With a mere smile or gesture she had me lusting after her, anticipating everything I wanted to do to her. Like now—standing there, twisting her hands as she tried to control herself, her breasts swollen and her nipples hard against the fabric of her bra, her breathing shallow and her eyes glowing. She licked her lips as her gaze fell on my crotch, the outline of my hard cock visible as it throbbed in my jeans, straining to be set free and fucking her mouth.

The unadulterated lust in her eyes floored me. I leaned over, closer to her ear. “Hungry for my cock?” I rasped.

“Hmmm,” she hummed, as her cheeks grew pink. I stared at her wet parted lips and hissed. Fuck, this was torture.

The car stopped on our floor. “Excuse me,” I barked, grabbing Eva’s hand and pulling Copyright 2016 - 2024