TORMENTED_ Jani Kay - Jani Kay Page 0,22

ass out, I’d never imagined it would be one of the best things that had happened to me because in a strange and twisted way, I had the distinct feeling that I would never have ventured out of my comfort zone with him as much as I had since meeting Harrison.

The delicious aroma of toast drifted to the bedroom. One thing was certain—the high and mighty senator would never in his wildest dreams consider cooking anything for me. He’d never made me as much as a cup of tea or coffee after dinner, never mind gone to the kitchen to rustle something up after midnight. My ex’s MO was to turn around and go to sleep as soon as he rolled off me.

I mused over how Nolan had liked to control me, which was far more like manipulation than mastery. I never felt at ease with the way he made me feel lesser than him.

How different my life had become. I loved that I felt empowered enough by Harrison to let him ‘control’ me. In spite of submitting to him, I was, in reality, the one with all the power.

Ten minutes later, the naked cop came back to the bedroom carrying a tray laden with food.

“Sit up, sweetheart. Let’s get you fed.”

“It smells divine. I never knew you were good in the kitchen.”

“There are a lot of things you don’t know about me. I wouldn’t say I was a great cook, but being a sworn bachelor meant I had to learn some basic skills if I didn’t want to live on take-out only. Oh, and the occasional meal at my parents’ house.”

He set the tray in front of me. Soft poached eggs sat on top of hot buttered toast and made my mouth water.

“Thank you. It’s the nicest thing anyone has done for me in a long time.” I meant every word.

Harrison let out a hearty laugh. “See? I do have uses, other than my amazing talents in bed. Hopefully you won’t send me home ever again.”

Deciding to play along, I grinned at him. “I think you’re right. If you can whip up something this delicious in just ten minutes, you may be a keeper.”

Okay, maybe those weren’t the right words after all. Harrison went quiet for a long moment.

I ate my midnight snack before it got cold, a little embarrassed by the implication of my comment.

“By the way, you never told me if you found a dress for the event? That was what you went shopping for today?”

“Um no, I didn’t find what I was looking for. But I will. I still have time.”

Harrison’s head snapped up, and he raised an eyebrow as he said, “That doesn’t mean you’re backing out, does it? Because I wouldn’t blame you if you decided against being my date.”

I placed a hand on his arm. “No, silly, it means I couldn’t find a dress I liked, that’s all. I’ll be there to see your team win the award, even though I’m not sure exactly what it is that you do. You’re always so secretive; I’d swear you were an undercover agent posing as a cop.”

“You watch way too much television, and your imagination is running away with you. I’m just a lowly cop fighting crime who got a bit of a promotion. That’s all.”

He was trying to reassure me, but there was something in the strained tone of his voice that made me wonder if I hadn’t hit the nail exactly on the head. Harrison never wanted to give me or anyone who asked too many details about his job. All Jade had told me was that it was extremely dangerous, and Ryder saw him as his worst enemy.

I let it go because Harrison had clammed up, his jaw set rigid and his eyes hard.

There was a lot more to the man than what he was willing to admit. Maybe one day he’d trust me implicitly and tell me the whole truth.

Chapter 14 — Harrison

Eva had sent a text earlier that she’d leave the door of her apartment open so that I could let myself in when I arrived to pick her up for our date to my work’s award night. She’d had a crisis at work and was running late. I on the other hand was ten minutes early because I couldn’t wait to get to her place. She hadn’t backed out like I’d dreaded she would, but I wasn’t taking any chances.

I let myself in and closed the door with a Copyright 2016 - 2024