TORMENTED_ Jani Kay - Jani Kay Page 0,13

7 — Eva

A full bottle of champagne later and I was buzzed and certainly in a better mood. I kissed Monica goodbye on both cheeks and promised to bring Jade back soon.

As soon as we hit the sidewalk, Jade held out her hand.

“Hand me the car keys, missy. I’m driving us to my place, and you can have dinner with Ryder and me. You can either sleep over or we’ll drive you home later.”

Stupid tears built up behind my eyelids and made my vision blurry. Jade’s kindness hit me right in the heart.

“Thank you. I’d love that.” I found the keys in my purse and handed them to Jade, grateful that I didn’t have to take a taxi home and spend the rest of the evening alone.

Jade made a quick call to let Ryder know of our plans and from what I could make out, he seemed happy that I was coming over.

Half an hour later, as Jade drove up the driveway, Ryder came out to greet us with a gigantic grin on his face.

“Hey,” he said, as he came toward us.

Jade and I both greeted him at the same time. He folded Jade into his arms and kissed her as if he hadn’t seen her for a month. When he pulled away, he searched her face with a concerned expression. “You okay, baby?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. I had a lovely day with Eva.”

He kissed her forehead before letting go of Jade and embracing me, hugging the crap out of me.

“I figured you’d both be tired so I ordered some food in. I hope you’re okay with Thai food, ’cause I just got a mix of vegetarian and some with chicken for the two of us,” Ryder said as we walked up the path to the front door and went inside.

“Perfect. I love Thai cuisine. Especially the green chicken curry,” I said.

Ryder closed the door and locked it.

“Me too, and while Jade can’t handle red meat, she does allow me to have chicken some days. Man, I was glad when I heard you were coming over and I had a good enough reason to order in.”

Jade laughed. “I’m sorry, baby.” She rubbed his back in a sympathetic gesture.

“I’m not complaining. It’s far worse for you than for me. I’m just glad to spend some time with my sister too. Just the three of us.”

Jade and I looked at one another and rolled our eyes. Those men.

“I’ve already opened a bottle of wine for you, Eva, and I’m boiling water for tea for you, Jade.”

“You know how to make tea?” I said with wide eyes.

“I’ve become pretty domesticated since we moved to the house. Jade had to housetrain me at first, but I’ve learned a few skills.”

I flopped down into a comfortable chair and took the glass of red wine Ryder handed me. I swirled the contents, sniffed and then took a sip. “Hmmm, delicious.”

“He’s fun to train. So much smarter than a puppy,” Jade said with a wink.

Ryder wiggled his eyebrows at her. “And the rewards when I do good are so worth it.”

Jade sat on the couch and kicked off her shoes. “Oh, and his foot-massaging skills are amazing.”

Ryder sat down beside her and leaned down to kiss her belly. Jade giggled with delight as she stroked his hair. Leaning back into the sofa, he lifted her feet onto his lap and kneaded her soles with his thumbs while she laid back and sighed contently.

God, I loved being around those two. Love poured from their hearts, and they were so in tune with one another’s needs that it seemed effortless.

I want that.

To be adored and worshiped by my man.

Not long after, the doorbell rang and our food arrived. We sat in the kitchen at the large table, chatting and laughing and eating. I consumed two more glasses of wine with my food.

When my plate was clean, I pushed it back and stretched while patting my stomach. “Wow, guys, I don’t know about you, but I’m going to burst if I eat or drink anything more. Ryder, you ordered enough food to feed ten people.”

He shrugged and smiled sheepishly. “I wasn’t sure how hungry you were or what you liked, so I ordered some of everything. And what’s left over will be devoured by the guys at the club tomorrow. So nothing is wasted.”

Jade nodded. “Yeah, Razor will be a happy man. He loves Thai food, especially the hot and spicy dishes.”

Ryder took another sip of beer before he turned to Copyright 2016 - 2024