In Too Deep - By Jayne Ann Krentz Page 0,37

always corrodes, especially in a climate like this.”

“Same story with the clock,” Isabella said. “The killer told us that all he had to do was give it some oil and wind it up.”

Fallon reached into the body of the doll and did something to one of the gears. The Queen went limp and still.

Isabella looked down at the lifeless robot. “We are not amused.”

Fallon smiled briefly. “Couldn’t resist, could you?”

“Sorry, no. How often do you get to use a line like that?”

“Rarely.” He took a closer look at the guts of the device. “Most of the mechanism is late-nineteenth-century, but someone repaired it and installed some modern parts and fittings.”


“No. I’m thinking the repair work was done twenty-two years ago.”

“Like the clock?” Isabella asked.


“That’s what was going on here. Those three men brought some of Mrs. Bridewell’s inventions here to the Cove and tried to get them functional again.”

“Yes, but that’s not the most interesting aspect of this situation,” Fallon said. He looked down at his hand. In the light Isabella saw a faint sheen on his fingers.

“Freshly oiled?” she whispered.

“Yes.” Fallon got to his feet and aimed the flashlight at the footprints on the concrete floor. “The guy who left those prints must be the maintenance man.”

“But how is he coming and going? Unless Henry and Vera are lying to us about having kept the shelter locked all this time.”

“I don’t think so,” Fallon said. “There’s another, more likely possibility. I think I feel a slight draft coming from the other room. Let’s take a look.”

They walked through the doorway into the adjoining chamber. Isabella froze.

“Good grief,” she whispered.

In the twin beams of the flashlights she could see a row of what looked like small coffins elevated on metal stands.

“Take a deep breath,” Fallon said. “They aren’t coffins.”

She started breathing again. “Sure. I knew that. It’s just that at first glance they looked pretty freaky.”

“You expected freaky?” Fallon aimed the light at what appeared to be a mound of trash. “Does that qualify?”

She saw the skull first. It was human. The rest of the skeleton came into view amid tattered remnants of clothing and a pair of boots. A ring glinted on one finger bone.

“Crap,” she said. “Another body.”

Fallon went to the skeleton and crouched beside it. He reached into the scattered bones, plucked out a wallet and flipped it open.

“Gordon Lasher,” he said. “Looks like we now know what happened to the Asshole.”

“He told everyone he was leaving town and then he snuck back here. I’ll bet he sensed the power in the clockwork gadgets and planned to steal them. Looks like the Queen got him. Serves him right.”

“I don’t think the Queen was responsible.” Fallon aimed the flashlight at an object that lay on the floor next to the skull. “This wasn’t death by paranormal means. Looks more like good old-fashioned blunt force trauma.”

“He fell?”

“No.” Fallon reached down and picked up a crowbar. “Someone whacked him on the back of the head with this.”

“How can you tell all that?”

“Crack in the skull and the body fell facedown,” Fallon said absently. “It’s not rocket science.”

“Oh, right. But that means that there was someone else down here with him.”

“Yes,” Fallon said. “It does indicate exactly that.”

“Henry and Vera told us that Lasher ran off with a woman named Rachel Stewart. Both of them were able to tolerate the psi down here. I’ll bet they came together to steal the curiosities. Rachel must have decided that Lasher really was an asshole after all and that she didn’t need him anymore. She bashed him in the head with the crowbar.”

“I’d say the probability of that scenario is about seventy-four percent.”

“Only seventy-four?”

“Yes.” Fallon swept the rest of the chamber with his flashlight. “Here we go, there’s our second entrance.”

Isabella studied the steel door built into the concrete wall. “It’s a door but it doesn’t go up to the surface.”

Fallon went forward, gripped the handle and pulled on the door. It opened with only a few faint squeaks of the hinges. A great darkness lay beyond. Chilly, damp air flowed into the chamber. Isabella heard the muffled rumble of the ocean in the distance.

“A cave,” Fallon said. “It leads out to a cove or a beach.”

“That door opened fairly easily,” Isabella said. “The salt air should have done a lot more damage by now.”

“Whoever has been keeping the Queen in functioning order all these years uses this entrance,” Fallon said.

“Why do you suppose the original owner built a second entrance?”

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