Titan (EEMC #2) - Bijou Hunter Page 0,18

voice, I scoot closer to the front window.

Gunther notices me and points. “You took a member of our community. That wasn’t part of the punishment set forth months ago.”

“Shut the fuck up,” Bronco mutters. “Is that her mother?”

Mama rushing forward. I feel sick at the sight of bruises on her beautiful face. Future is wrapped in her arms. Mama drags a weak Dove along. As they get closer, I see my mama’s swollen lip. Clenching my hands, I want to punch my enemies.

“Where’s my girl?” Mama asks Anders. “You took her.”

The grand sequoia remains silent against my mother’s anger. He only gestures to the car. I wave at Mama.

“Come out, Pixie.”

Shaking my head, I wave for her to join me. Mama refuses to get into this SUV or go with these biker men. She wears the same expression as when the government men came to our commune and killed Papa.

“Give her back,” she growls up at Anders. He doesn’t speak, though Bronco tries. Mama waves him off. “You took my girl.”

I promised Anders I would remain quiet, but I see the young men playing with their guns again. I also notice Bronco’s shoulders getting tight like when Anders is upset. Mama won’t bow.

I open the door, drawing everyone’s gaze to me. Stepping out, I look right in my mama’s fair blue eyes. I find fear and rage storming inside them.

I think of how Anders said the people at the Village should rise up against Marks. If the Volkshalberd were hungry enough, they would fight. I don’t know if that’s true. But in case he’s right, I choose my words carefully.

“Mama, food,” I say in my strongest voice. “We need to eat.”

I don’t know if those words will stir up anger in the hearts of the Volkshalberd against the torch bearer and his toadies. I do know Mama’s resolve cracks. She looks at a limp Future in her arms. Even when he hears my voice, my brother can’t lift his head. Dove seems ready to collapse. Mama pretends to be a rock, but I see how she struggles to hold Future.

“Come, Mama,” I say, waving for her to move toward the car.

I tug at the door handle in the back seat, but it doesn’t open. Anders leans into the SUV and hits a button. Opening the door, I gesture for my family to climb inside.

Mama lifts her jaw and looks back at Gunther. “Your war is starving the gifts of my womb. I will return when it’s over.”

Then Mama tugs Dove forward. My sister doesn’t want to get into the SUV. She remembers when the government put us in their big black vehicles and took us away. She rubs her face nervously, thinking Papa’s blood is on it again. Despite her fears, my sister is too weak to fight Mama.

I climb in the back with them and shut the door. Mama reaches over Dove to hug me.

“My girl,” she says, soaking in the love I offer her. “You smell strange.”

“It’s the soap at Anders’s house.”

Mama grips my jaw and makes me look her in the eye. “Did he hurt you?”


Even when we’re starving and surrounded by armed men from two different factions, I would never tell Mama an untruth. She smiles at me and then looks at her children.

Anders leans into the car and asks Mama, “Where’s your husband?”

“John Marks took Perry aside when I wouldn’t bow. I don’t know if he lives or not. I suspect Perry was bribed to turn against me, but I don’t know.”

“Perry will be fine,” I say, focused on feeding my family. “Look, Mama, fruit and bread.”

Future cries at the sight of an apple. He loves them so much. Dove smells the bread before shoving an entire slice into her mouth.

“Did you eat?” Mama asks me.

Ashamed, I nod. “Anders fed me a lot.”

“Good. You need to be strong. That’s what is important.”

“Don’t be scared,” I whisper. “Anders has a big house and lots of food.”

Mama’s gaze flashes to him with the other men. Then she whispers loudly, “Nothing’s free in this world, Pixie. No one shares unless they want you to share with them. We have nothing to offer except your body.”

Outside the car, Anders’s muscles tense in response to Mama’s words. I think of his reaction to my naked body. Also, how he panicked over not having a honey, which he said means girlfriend or wife in his world. In exchange for my body, he will protect my family.

“Anders is a good man,” I

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