Time After Time (Sweetbriar Cove #14) - Melody Grace Page 0,54

We should go sometime,” she added. “Get extras to go, for that midnight refrigerator raid.”

“You mean, your midnight raid,” Aidan teased. “Sure, sounds good. Sign me up.”

He leaned in kissed her, tasting like cool ranch dust and flavorings. Delicious. Stella sighed, melting against him in satisfaction.

Aidan pulled down a blanket from the back of the couch, and brought Stella closer, nestling in the crook of his arm. They snuggled there, looking out at the darkness of the backyard. A few lights flickered in the distance, bobbing in the woods, and Aidan tensed. Stella smiled. “Haven’t you ever seen fireflies before?”

He relaxed. “It’s been a while,” he said. “We don’t get many in Manhattan.”

“Do you like it there?” Stella asked, watching him. Again, she wondered just how temporary this break from his regular life was going to be. Because if Aidan was a city guy through and through, already pining to get back to the frantic buzz…

But he shrugged, looking down. “It’s where I needed to be. If I was going to get the top jobs, if I was going to get the biggest salary…”

“You don’t sound so convinced.” Stella noted gently.

“I guess I’m not so sure about anything anymore.” Aidan gave her a rueful smile. “All my life, I was so clear about what I needed to do. It was up to me to be the high achiever, to bring home the big bucks, in case—”

He stopped, and it was like a shadow passed over his eyes.

“In case of what?” Stella asked.

He shook his head. “It doesn’t matter. I just knew, I had to make a success of things. Take care of everyone. It’s why I had to go to a good school, and pick a solid major, and not take off surfing after class every day, or do whatever the hell I wanted. But now, I look at the others, and it seems like they’re finally figuring things out. Jackson’s not jetting off to the world’s most dangerous locations anymore,” he explained. “Luke’s settled down, his business is going great. Even Chase and Cassie have become responsible adults.”

“Aside from the occasional dog-napping,” Stella pointed out.

Aidan smiled. “Aside from that.” He paused, and Stella could see it on his face, the weight he’d been carrying.

She knew, because she’d felt it too, ever since the day she’d seen those two lines on her pregnancy test.


Being the one who had to keep it together, no matter what. Smiling, even when she felt the weight of the world pressing down on her. Making every plan and promise because of what someone else needed, someone else wanted.

Putting yourself last, out of duty.

Out of love.

Her heart swelled for him. “You don’t have to take care of everyone,” she said softly, reaching out to squeeze Aidan’s hand. “Maybe you should just think about taking care of yourself. What you need, this time.”

“It’s fine.” He gave another self-conscious shrug. “I can’t really complain. It’s what got me here today. I mean, just look around. I’m lucky, having everything I do,” he said, almost like he was trying to convince himself. “The money, the security. Plenty of people would kill for that.”

“I know…” Stella paused. “But just because someone else would want it, doesn’t mean you have to. Especially if you don’t need it anymore—”

“Ice cream!” Aidan suddenly interrupted, getting to his feet. “There’s ice cream in the freezer. Will that be junk food-y enough?”

He went to fetch it before Stella could answer. Clearly, he didn’t want to keep talking about this. But still, she felt a new tenderness, realizing that his high-flying lifestyle wasn’t all just about arrogance or show.

“Chocolate OK?” he asked, returning with a tub and handing a spoon.

“More than OK,” she said, scooping a bite. “But don’t you want any? Where’s your spoon?”

“I don’t need one,” Aidan said, with a smoldering grin. He kissed her, easing her mouth open to lick into her mouth. Stella shivered at the sensual touch, barely managing to set the snack aside before winding her arms around his neck and pressing herself into his arms. She had far more delicious things to taste, right there in front of her.

Her midnight snack could wait.

The next morning, Stella woke to sunlight dappling through the drapes. She yawned, stretching, and found the bed already empty beside her – and a handwritten note resting on the pillow.

Gone for a run, make yourself at home.

Stella had to laugh. A workout, after the night they’d just had? Aidan must be some kind of superhero, because

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