Til Death Do Us Part (Vegas Vows #6) - Harlow Layne Page 0,16

her that started around three-thirty in the morning.” She looked up at me with her face creased in worry. “Has Jordan called you?”

Slipping my phone from my jeans, I checked to see if I had any messages from Jordan. There was only one about an hour ago.

Jordan: The wedding’s off.

If you want to find me, I’ll be at the bar down at the pool.

“Fuck,” I hissed.

“Is it bad?” Everly called from the living area where she was fastening her bra. Her hair hung down, obscuring her face.

“It’s not good. Jordan said the wedding is off.” I walked over to her and showed her the text on my phone. Her big blue eyes got wide as she read it. “I’m going to head down to the pool and talk to him.”

“That’s probably a good idea. I’m going to talk to Camilla. Um…” She rolled her lips, looking unsure. “Should we reconvene here?”

“I think I have an extra key somewhere around here if you want to grab it. Put your number in my phone and I’ll let you know if anything changes.”

There was no doubt in my mind, Jordan was going to stick firmly in his decision, but it was a good excuse to get her number just in case.

“Here’s mine,” she thrust her phone at me and went about typing on my phone. Dropping my phone onto the table, Everly finished dressing in her clothes from last night.

I waited until she was done before I handed her back her phone and pulled her to me. “I know things are crazy right now between us, but I kind of like it.”

Dipping down, I took her mouth in a kiss to show Everly I meant everything I’d said. I liked what was going on with us. I might not have known her long, but I couldn’t deny our chemistry, especially after last night.

Her feather soft lips touched mine with the lightest of touches. I pulled her bottom lip between my teeth and gave a gentle tug before I swept my tongue into her mouth. Claiming her. Everly wasn’t shy. She sucked on my tongue. Her hands went to my hair, tangling at the nape of my neck. Cupping the side of her neck, I angled her just the way I wanted to get a better angle.

Pulling away, we both stood there panting as we tried to collect ourselves.

“I like it too,” she answered back breathlessly. Her eyes were still dreamy when she stepped away and muttered. “I’ll see you later, Leo.”

“Until later, wifey.” I smirked at her right before the door to my room closed.



My cheeks were still heated after I made a quick stop to my room to change my clothes and knocked on Camilla and Jordan’s hotel room door.

Last night seemed like a dream. I couldn’t believe I’d gotten drunk and then suggested Leo and I get married before we had sex. But wholly hell, was he worth it.

Never in a million years did I think sex could be that good. Yeah, I liked sex, but no man had ever brought me to completion so easily or so many times in the span of a few hours.

Leo wasn’t joking when he said he was going to feast on me all night long. The way his tongue lapped up the Champagne he poured on me and the subsequent whipped cream was so damn delicious I would never look at either the same way again.

I’d barely wiped the smile off my face when Camilla swung open the door. Her eyes were red rimmed with mascara streaked down her usually put together and perfect face, her nose and cheeks flushed, and her hair looked as if she’d stuck her finger in a light socket.

“Where the hell have you been?” she cried out before she stomped away from the door.

Closing the door, I followed behind her, dodging all the used tissues strewn all over the floor. There was a huge pile of them on the table in the living area, some of them with black streaks on them.

Turning to face me with her hands on her hips, Camilla scowled at me. “Well, where have you been? I’ve been calling and messaging you for hours now.”

“Sleeping,” I crossed my fingers behind my back at the lie. “I woke up when I heard your message and came as quick as I could.”

“Well, I needed you and you weren’t there for me.” She curled up into herself on the couch and looked up at me with sad eyes.

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