Til Death Do Us Part (Kornilov Bratva Duet #2) - Nicole Fox Page 0,90

I meet his eyes.

His face is blood splattered and muddy, and his clothes are full of holes, but he is whole and breathing and staring at me like I’m a ghost. Like he can’t believe what he is seeing.

Men surge forward around him, beginning the arduous process of getting Fedor’s men under control, but I ignore all of it and rush towards Viktor. I just need to feel him in my arms. I need to know he is okay.

I’m only a few steps away from him when he stumbles. Then, just as I reach him, he drops to one knee and then the other.

“Viktor?” I try to catch him, but he is too heavy, and we both fall to the floor. His head lands in my lap, and I smooth his hair back from his forehead as his eyes flutter closed.

There is blood on his arm, two holes in the front of his shirt where bullets hit his vest, and then I see the bloodstain on his leg. He is hurt, and even though I’m desperate for him to scoop me up and carry me out of here, I have to be the one who is strong.

Right now, I have to save him.

“Pick him up,” I bark at two of the men standing closest. “Careful with his wounds. Get him in a car. Now.”

The men hesitate for only a second before they follow my commands. I stand up and smooth down my dirty clothes. I know I don’t look the part of a Bratva queen, but it is more important than ever that I play it. If Viktor was telling the truth and Fedor really is dead, these men are all looking for someone to follow.

And right now, they are going to follow me.

I’m sitting in an uncomfortable chair with a scratchy blanket wrapped around my legs when I hear my favorite sound in the entire world: Theo’s laughter.

“She’s in there,” Niamh says, appearing in the doorway, ushering in my dark-haired angel.

I fall out of the chair and onto the tile floor. I open my arms wide as Theo runs into them, burying his face in my neck. I plaster him with kisses as he tries to tell me all of the fun things he and Niamh did together.

Once I got Viktor admitted to the hospital and stabilized, Seamus called and told me Theo was asleep at his house with Niamh, and she would bring him in the morning. He also asked me what I wanted done with the Italian dons.

“They are saying you promised them immunity?”

I was so confident back at the warehouse, making promises I wasn’t sure I’d be able to keep. Part of me wanted to bend to Seamus’ will and tell him to do what he wanted with them, but another part of me wasn’t ready to get rid of the power I claimed while I was locked up. I came out of that warehouse a stronger, more confident woman, and I don’t want all of that pain and trauma to be for nothing.

“I did offer them immunity. They fought for me, and they are loyal to me now. To us.”

Without hesitation, Seamus agreed. “Okay. Now, what can my men do to help?”

It felt crazy to have the boss of a crime family asking me for orders, but I gave them like it was the most natural thing in the world. “Have them chase down Fedor’s men. Get them out of the city or kill them. Either way, I don’t care, but we don’t want them here anymore.”

“Done,” Seamus says. “I’ll put an Irish guard on you guys at the hospital and the Italian dons. You just worry about getting your husband healthy, okay?”

So, that is what I did.

All night, I’ve held Viktor’s hand and waited for him to regain consciousness.

“Is Daddy okay?” Theo asks, running to Viktor’s bedside, staring at the tubes coming out of his arms.

“He is getting better,” I assure him. “He is resting right now so he can get strong.”

“He’s already strong,” Theo frowns. “The strongest.”

I smile, tears welling in my eyes as I meet Niamh’s gaze over Viktor’s hospital bed. “He is the strongest, babe. You’re right.”

Theo is with Seamus and Niamh when Viktor finally wakes up two days later.

“Molly?” His voice is harsh and dry, and I look up from the magazine I’ve been flipping through, and blink at him.

For the last two days, I’ve had nothing but time to think about what I learned while I was held captive.

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