Til Death Do Us Part (Kornilov Bratva Duet #2) - Nicole Fox Page 0,78

you and your brother. The rest of us don’t want to get killed over your feud.”

I slam my fist down on the table. “We’re a family. You can’t just leave.”

“Family doesn’t lie,” Michail says. With that, he hangs up, leaving me holding onto the useless phone.

I dart out of the room and towards the front door. Theo is eating a bowl of cereal at the table, and he calls my name as I pass, but I’m on a mission.

I peek in on the room just to the right of the front door. There is usually a guard in there, but the stool is empty right now. Then, I tear open the front door and look down on the street below. The space where a guard usually sits is empty.

We are all unprotected.

I drag a hand down my face and squeeze my eyes shut, trying to think. I have to find Molly, but I have to keep Theo safe, too. I can’t leave him undefended.


I pull out my phone and call George. He answers on the second ring.

“I need your help,” I say, talking faster than my brain can keep up. “Molly is gone, and everything has gone to shit. I can’t trust Theo with anyone else but you. Can you do it?”

“I can do it,” he says without hesitation. “I’m on my way now.”

I silently thank God for one loyal friend and am about to turn inside when I look up and see Sasha walking towards me. He is one of the newest recruits the Bratva has. I barely know him beyond a few short conversations. He is holding a tall coffee in one hand, and he doesn’t meet my eyes as he approaches.

“I’m surprised you’re still here.”

“Me too,” he admits with a shrug. Then, he lifts his coffee. “I figure there won’t be anyone coming to relieve me anytime soon, so I’ll need the caffeine.”

The man looks so young, and I’m tempted to tell him to run and hide with the rest of my men. I want to be angry with them, but I’ve given them no reason to trust me. Time and time again, I chose Molly over them, and while I wouldn’t change anything about that, I understand their reluctance to die in this war for me.

Still, I’m so grateful to see Sasha, to know that one other person will be here to look after Theo, that I pat him on the shoulder and walk him back inside the house.

Theo is finishing up breakfast, and he runs to me, wrapping his arms around my legs. “Where is my momma?”

I scoop him up with one arm and nuzzle my face in his small neck. “I’m going to go find her right now.”

“Really?” he asks, excited. “Can I come with you?”

“You can’t. I’m sorry.” He starts to pout, and I pinch his lower lip playfully between my fingers until he smiles. “But I’ll be back soon. And George is coming to stay with you for a while.”

The nanny meets my eyes over Theo’s head and nods, her silent confirmation that she’ll stay with Theo as long as it takes.

I kiss Theo on the forehead and send him off to play before I leave to bring his mom home. I hope for both of our sakes I can keep my promise.

Sasha rallies a few Bratva men who are still loyal, and they follow me to Seamus and Niamh’s house. Seamus meets me at his front door, eyes wide.

“I should have called,” I admit. “But I was afraid you’d say no if I called first.”

He studies me for a moment. “I wouldn’t have. And if I did, Niamh would kill me. She is beside herself with the news.”

“How far has it spread?” I ask.

“Fedor isn’t keeping it quiet,” Seamus says, ushering me inside. “This is a big victory for him.”

“I assume you know Molly and I aren’t really married.”

He nods, his mouth twisting to the side. “I know, but I don’t care. Do you really love her?”

“With all my heart.”

He shrugs. “Then that’s all I need to know. You did what you did to protect her, and I understand that. I’d do anything to protect Niamh.”

I lean back against the wall in their entryway. “You are more understanding than my men. Most of them deserted me because of the swearing-in ceremony. I polluted a Bratva ritual.”

Seamus snorts. “Bullshit. Those cowards were looking for an excuse to escape a sinking ship and they found one. Forgive me for being so blunt, but

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