Til Death Do Us Part (Kornilov Bratva Duet #2) - Nicole Fox Page 0,53

it feels like she is judging me and Viktor at every turn.

“I don’t understand why you can’t just tell them the truth. You are married, but you both like your space.” Hannah shrugs. “It definitely isn’t normal, and most people would think it hinted at issues in your relationship, but that is between you and your husband.”

“Exactly,” I snap. “Me and my husband.”

Hannah must take my not very subtle hint because her eyes widen in a moment of surprise and then she devotes herself wholly to finishing her breakfast and coffee.

I’ve confided in Hannah about a lot of things, but Viktor and I are moving towards being in a good place, and I don’t want to feel bad about how we got here. I have enough stress in my life without worrying what Hannah thinks of it all, too. I know she isn’t entirely happy that Viktor has been staying over, but again, it isn’t her business. If she doesn’t want to live with him, then she can find her own place.

“Hey,” Hannah says, snapping her fingers like she has just had a great idea. “If you two need to take some couple’s photos, I can keep an eye on Theo for a while.”

“They are family photos,” I say sharply. I immediately regret my harsh tone. I can tell she is trying to make amends for overstepping. “But thanks.”

“Oh I know. I just know how kids can be taking photos. It might be easier if I just brought him by the shoot a little later so you could get pictures with him after you’ve done couple photos.”

“It will be fine, I’m sure. There will be people there to entertain him if he gets rowdy.” I finish off the last bit of coffee in my mug and stand up to head inside. Viktor and Theo are inside playing together. I invited them to breakfast with us, but Viktor seemed reluctant, so I didn’t push it.

Hannah follows after me, nearly breathless. “I guess I just wanted some company. The house is so empty when you all are gone. I really don’t mind keeping an eye on him for—”

“It’s fine, Hannah.” The words come out on a laugh, mostly out of exasperation. I’m not sure why this is so important to her. I know she has been missing her own son, but this is the first time she has been so adamant about it. “I appreciate it, but it’s not necessary. We’ll all hang out another night, okay?”

Hannah bites her lip and then nods, lifting one hand in surrender. “Sorry. I think I’m a little hungover. I drank too much last night and it has made me crazy. Apparently, I’m a clingy drunk.”

“It’s fine.” I grip her elbow as I pass. “I’m glad you like Theo. It’s nice that the two of you are close.”

Hannah’s mouth pulls into a tight smile and then I head upstairs to get ready for the shoot.

Hannah wasn’t wrong, though. Even after a morning of running around upstairs with Viktor, Theo is wild at the shoot. He is blurry in half of the photos and pouting in the other half. Still, it’s a good time.

“Come on, bud,” Viktor begs. “Give us a happy smile.”

Theo pouts and crosses his arms. “I want to play.”

I’m about to get stern with Theo, threatening to take toys away if he doesn’t smile, when Viktor suddenly tickles Theo under the armpits. Immediately, his face bursts into an open-mouthed grin, and he shrieks.

Distantly, I hear the camera shutter opening and closing, catching every moment, but I’m laughing too hard at Theo’s banshee shrieks to think about what we must look like.

Viktor arranged for our pictures to be taken in a photographer’s studio downtown. It is a large warehouse-like space with different sets lining the walls. There is one with red barnwood and a broken-down truck filled with hay and another that is half of a carousel with a carnival scene painted on the back. The photographer assures us several times that he will make every scene look entirely real in the final edits.

“You’ll have time to do it all in a few hours?” Viktor asked.

The photographer laughed. “With how much you’re paying me, I’m motivated enough to do it all in a few minutes.”

We change clothes and hair between shots, which is when Theo gets the most upset. It is hard to convince him to get dressed once every day, so costume changes aren’t going well. He breaks down between every shoot and has

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