Til Death Do Us Part (Kornilov Bratva Duet #2) - Nicole Fox Page 0,51

moment I end the call, I drop down onto the couch and rest my face in my hands.

For my brother and now my cousin.

Can I truly trust no one?

By the time I get all my suitcases in the car and get to Molly’s, it’s late. She doesn’t respond to my text from the car, so I assume she is asleep as I unlock the door and step inside. The guards are still on duty, and after a quick check to be sure I’m not an enemy, they go back to their allocated corner of the apartment.

I drop my suitcases in the entryway and turn towards the kitchen, headed straight to the liquor cabinet for a drink. Soft footsteps sound behind me, and I smile at Molly’s attempt at a sneaky approach.

“I’d make you a drink, but your condition doesn’t allow it,” I say before she can reach me, my back still towards her.

I feel a hand stroke down my shoulder blade, pressing into my tense muscles, and I relax slightly.

“I hope that isn’t true because I’ve already had several drinks tonight.”

The voice does not belong to Molly, and my entire body tenses. I spin around, sloshing some gin across the counter, and face Hannah.

Her eyes are bloodshot, and she is swaying on her feet even though she isn’t moving.

“How many drinks?” I ask, my voice harsh and cold.

She lifts an eyebrow and shrugs. The simple movement sends her stumbling forward. She catches herself with a palm to my chest, and I react as though she burned me. I peel her hand off me and throw it back at her side.

“Never mind,” I say. “It doesn’t matter. You need to get to bed.”

“Whose bed?” Hannah asks, her mouth tipping into a sloppy smile.

I sigh. I do not have the patience to deal with this. I’ve barely tolerated Hannah’s presence here, mostly because she spends all of her time glaring at me like I’m scum and trying to turn Molly against me, and now she is coming onto me? No. Absolutely not.

“Yours,” I say sternly, sliding down the counter and putting more distance between us. “Or, at least, it is yours so long as you don’t touch me again. Where’s Molly?”

“Sleeping,” Hannah purrs, resting her hip against the counter and crossing her arms.

I realize for the first time that she is just wearing an oversized T-shirt. I assumed she had shorts on underneath, but no. I am seeing far too much of her thighs, and while it isn’t tempting, it is maddening.

“What the fuck is your problem?” I growl.

“Yes, get angry,” she says, her eyes widening with a perverse kind of pleasure. “I liked seeing you get angry the other day. You have a powerful punch. I wonder what else you can do with those hands.”

“I could snap your neck like a twig,” I say, my voice a low rumble. “Try to seduce me away from my wife again, and I won’t hesitate.”

Forgetting my drink on the counter, I walk around the island, grab my bags, and jog up the stairs to Molly’s room.

I plan to tell Molly immediately. This is exactly the kind of thing that could be twisted and distorted to make me look like a cheating piece of shit, and I don’t want anything to come between us. Anything else, that is. There are already a million obstacles between us and a happy ending, but I won’t let a lying bitch like Hannah be one of them.

When I walk into Molly’s room, however, she is sitting in bed with the laptop I bought her open, smiling at the screen.

“You’re home,” she says.

Home. That single word is more powerfully seductive than anything Hannah just tried in the kitchen. The simple idea that Molly is happy to see me and wants me here, that I could ever belong here with her and Theo, is enough to get my engine revved.

“Hi,” I say, dropping my bags and crawling across the bed. I lean over the computer screen, stroke Molly’s cheek with my palm, and tilt her face up for a kiss. Her lips are soft and pliant, and she releases a small moan as I slip my tongue into her mouth and nip at her lower lip. When we pull apart, her brown eyes are glazed over.

“Wow,” she breathes.

I roll over and lie next to her, my hand slipping under the covers to rest on her exposed thigh.

“What was that for?” she asks.

I shrug and circle my finger over her smooth skin.

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