Til Death Do Us Part (Kornilov Bratva Duet #2) - Nicole Fox Page 0,41

I want an entire redesign of our library. It’s so dark. It’s like a cave.”

“If I remember right, that’s what you said you wanted, dear,” Seamus says, a knowing smile on his face. “I remember you saying it would be nice to escape from the world.”

“I did say that, but that was before I realized reading by artificial light would strain my eyes and make me sleepy.” She rolls her eyes at me in a commiserating way, but her lips smirk up in a small smile.

Niamh and Seamus clearly have a loving relationship. They tease one another and push each other, but there is genuine fondness between them.

I shouldn’t be surprised. Of course, crime bosses can have loving relationships with devoted partners. They aren’t all like Fedor.

Before Fedor discovered Viktor’s lie—that he hadn’t killed me like he said and was instead letting me live in his house—Viktor was gentle and kind and loving. Maybe things could be that way again.

Though, I don’t see how that would really matter. Viktor told me I could leave. He told me I could take Theo and the baby and get away from this life, and after all the violence I’ve seen, I’d be stupid to stay. It’s a dangerous life. I have to go.

“Do you think you could help?” Niamh presses, laying a hand on my elbow. “I just want to get it right.”

“But don’t let that scare you,” Seamus says. “She has redone it three times in the last two years. So, if you take the job and she does hate it, she won’t tell you. She’ll just redo it again.”

Niamh glares at him and then pats my hand. “I doubt I’ll hate it.”

“You might,” I laugh. “I’ve only done a nursery before. And it was for my son.”

Niamh claps her hands in front of her and grins at me. “It’s decided. I’m hiring you. I’ll have a contract drawn up. Then, when you become famous, I’ll be able to claim I was your first official job. I love being on the cutting edge.”

“This was your plan all along,” Seamus says to Viktor, raising his glass for a toast. “You know I can’t deny my Niamh anything. If she likes your Molly, I have no choice but to work with you.”

“Everyone knows it’s the wives who really make the alliances,” Niamh whispers to me. “The men only think they are in charge.”

I laugh into my hand, and Seamus nudges his wife’s shoulder. “We can hear you, darling. Speak more quietly so we can maintain our illusion of power.”

The night is going so much better than I ever would have imagined. I’m comfortable and genuinely having a good time. The other women in the Kornilov Bratva seemed catty and only wanted to gossip. Half an hour with Niamh, and I already feel like she could be my friend. Perhaps there is truth to her statement. Because I will do everything in my power to ensure Viktor never betrays Seamus’ trust. I would hate not being able to talk with Niamh.

Everyone is still chuckling when suddenly, Viktor leaps out of his seat.

His thighs hit the underside of the table, knocking everything sideways. Niamh’s wineglass tips and spills red across the white tablecloth, and Seamus grabs her arm to steady her.

I yelp, but Viktor doesn’t stop. He knocks his chair back and starts moving around the table towards Seamus’ side.

For a second, I wonder if he wasn’t offended by the idea that he isn’t the one in control. I’ve never seen him lose his temper so recklessly before, though. Especially when we are here for the purpose of making nice with the Irish. But the way he is charging around the table towards Seamus makes my heart rate spike. What is going to happen? We are surrounded by the Irish. Viktor and I came alone as a sign of good faith. Surely, he wouldn’t risk our lives because of a joking comment.

Seamus lifts his hands in defense and leans back in his chair just as Viktor grabs the serving tray from the waiter standing near our table, sends the dishes crashing to the floor, and then swings the tray, hitting the waiter square in the face.

“Viktor!” I stand up, hand inadvertently falling to my stomach. My instincts tell me to run, to get out of here and find out what is happening later.

But my heart is worried about Viktor. What is he doing?

The entire room goes quiet for a moment, though it feels like hours. Everyone

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