Tiger's Quest - By Colleen Houck Page 0,52

kissed him softly. “Thank you for giving me something so precious to you.”

Ren hugged me close and kissed my cheek.

I heard a dramatic sigh behind us. “Ugh, I think I preferred him whiny and despondent. This is just sickening.”

Ren growled softly, “Who invited you here anyway?”

“You did.”

“Yes, but I didn’t invite you here. How did you find us?”

“We flew into Salem, and I found the invitation for the dance at the house. I thought if there was a party, I should be here. Figures that all the pretty girls would already be taken. Perhaps . . . I can borrow yours.”

Kishan held out a hand, but Ren stepped in front of me and threatened, “Over my dead body.”

Kishan pushed up the sleeves of his sweater. “Anytime, bro. Let’s see what you’ve got, Mr. Romance.”

Intervention time. In my sweetest voice, I said, “Kishan, we’re kind of in the middle of a date and, though I’m very happy to see you, I wonder if you’d mind heading home for now? As you can see, it’s not so much a party as it is a couple’s thing. We won’t be gone long, and there’s sandwich stuff and a giant plate of cookies back home. Do you mind? Please?”

“Fine. I’ll go. But only because you’re asking.”

Ren retorted, “And you’re asking for it.”

Kishan flicked Ren on the ear and mocked, “That’s right. And we’ll see if you can bring it to me later. Bye, Kelsey.”

I had a very strong feeling that my hand on his arm was the only thing holding Ren back from going after his brother. He watched until Kishan was out of sight, but even afterward, he couldn’t seem to relax.

I tried to pull his attention back to me.


“He takes too many liberties. Maybe it was a mistake to ask him here.”

“Do you trust him?”

“It depends. I trust him with most things. Except—”


“Except you.”

“Oh. Well, you don’t have to trust him with me. You just have to trust me.”

He scoffed, “Kells—”

“I’m serious.” I put my hands on the sides of his face so he would look at me. “I want you to understand something. Perhaps Yesubai chose him, but I chose you. You are the one I want. Not Kishan.”

I sighed. “I feel kind of sorry for Kishan, actually. He lost the person that he loved. That’s why we should make the most of our time. You never know when someone you love will be taken from you.”

He held me close for a minute and pressed his cheek to mine as we slow danced, knowing that I was no longer talking about Kishan.

“That won’t happen to us. I won’t leave you. I’m immortal, remember?”

I smiled halfheartedly. “That’s not what I meant.”

“I know what you meant.” He teased. “But I had to fight off three men to win your affection, and I don’t want to have to take on my brother too.”

I laughed. “You’re exaggerating, Tarzan. You didn’t really have to fight off anyone, well, except Li. You had my heart all along anyway, and you probably knew it.”

“Me knowing it and you knowing it are two different things. I was a lonely tiger for too long. I deserve to be happy with the woman I love. And I won’t let anyone take her from me, least of all Kishan.”

I gave him a look. He sighed and twirled me around. “I’ll try to be more patient with Kishan, but he knows how to push all my buttons. It’s extremely difficult to control myself around him, especially when he flirts with you.”

“Please try. For my sake?”

“For your sake, I’d undergo excruciating torture, but I can’t tolerate him flirting with you.”

“I love you. I’ll tell him to knock it off. But, try not to beat each other up while he’s in town, okay? No tiger fights. Don’t forget you need him here, remember?”

“Fine, but if he continues to throw himself at your feet, all bets are off.”

After a moment, I said softly, “You didn’t say it back . . . that you love me too.”

“Kelsey, ‘I am constant as the northern star, of whose true-fix’d and resting quality there is no fellow in the firmament.’”

“Caesar died, you know.”

“I was hoping you didn’t know that one.”

“I know them all, Shakespeare.”

“Okay, then I’ll just say I love you. There is nothing in this world more important to me than you. I’m only content when you’re near. My whole purpose is to be what you need me to be. It’s not poetry, but it’s from my heart. Will

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