Tiger's Quest - By Colleen Houck Page 0,46

school and Nilima and told me not to worry that my test of the four houses research had proven futile. He was polite and asked about my foster family but then he’d always ask for Ren.

I wasn’t trying to eavesdrop but it was obvious that something was going on when they spoke in hushed tones and sometimes switched to Hindi. Every once in a while, I’d hear strange terms mentioned: Yggdrasil, Naval Stone, and Noe’s Mountain. I’d ask Ren what they were talking about after he hung up but he’d just smile and tell me not to worry or that they’d been discussing business or that they were in a conference call with others who spoke only Hindi. I remembered the e-mail from Mr. Kadam about documents and had suspicions that Ren was hiding something but afterwards he would be so unguarded and genuinely happy about being with me that I eventually forgot my worries, at least until the next phone call.

Ren started writing little poems and notes and placing them in my bag for me to find during the school day. Some of them were famous poems and some were his own. I pressed them into my journal and kept a copy of my two favorites with me all the time.

You know you are in love

when you see the world in her eyes,

and her eyes everywhere in the world.

—David Levesque

If a king owned a pearl without price

A gem he cherished above all

Would he hide it away

Bury it from sight

Afraid others would take it?

Or would he display it proudly

Set it in a ring or crown

So that all the world could behold its beauty

And see what richness it brings to his life?

You are my pearl without price.


Reading his innermost thoughts and feelings almost made up for our non-tiger time together being limited. Not quite. But almost.

After art history one day, Ren surprised me by falling into step behind me.

“How did you know where my class was?”

“I got out early today and tracked you. Easy as peach pie with whipped cream, which you promised to make for me later.”

“I remember.” I laughed, and we headed toward the language lab to return a long-forgotten video.

Behind the language lab desk was Artie.

“Hey, Artie. Just returning a video.”

He shoved his glasses up onto the bridge of his nose. “Ah, yes. I’d wondered where that video was. It’s very late, Kelsey.”

“Yeah. Sorry about that.”

He slipped it into an empty spot that I imagined he’d probably been staring at week after week as it drove him slowly crazy. “I’m glad you had the integrity to return it at least.”

“Right, I’m full of integrity. See ya around, Artie.”

“Wait, Kelsey. You haven’t returned my phone calls, so I assume your answering machine is not working. It’s going to be hard to fit you in, but I believe I have next Wednesday available.”

He picked up his pencil and his planner and was already scribbling my name down. How could he ignore the very large man behind me?

“Look, Artie, I’m seeing someone else now.”

“I don’t think you’ve thought this out clearly, Kelsey. The date we had was very special, and I felt a real connection. I’m sure if you reconsidered, you would see that you should be going out with me.” He glanced at Ren briefly. “I am clearly the best option.”

Exasperated, I said, “Artie!”

He shoved his glasses up again and stared me down, willing me to give in with his eyes.

At that point, Ren stepped between us. Artie reluctantly dragged his eyes away from me and looked at Ren with distaste. The two men were such a contrast that I couldn’t help comparing them. Where Artie was soft, jowly, and paunchy in the middle, Ren was lean and big in the chest and arms. And, having seen his incredible torso without a shirt on, I could also vouch for him having fantastically chiseled abs, as well. He could easily grind Artie into the ground.

Artie was pasty white and hairy-armed with a red nose and watery eyes. Ren could stop traffic. And had. Literally. He was a golden-bronzed Adonis come to life. I’d frequently seen girls trip over the sidewalk and bump into trees when he walked by. None of these qualities fazed Artie. He was supremely self-confident. He boldly stood his ground and was completely uncowed by Ren’s awesomeness.

Artie droned nasally, “And who might you be?”

“I am the man Kelsey’s dating.”

Artie’s expression was incredulous. He peered down at me around Ren’s shoulder and said snidely, “You would rather date this

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